MongoDB Announces Version 4.2 of Its NoSQL Database


MongoDB will provide information on the latest developments of its own home this week at MongoDB World 2019 in New York. The announced version 4.2 of the NoSQL database provides users with three new features: distributed transactions, generic indexes, and client-side field-based encryption.

Since version 4.0, the MongoDB server handles ACID transactions that span multiple replication sets. Now this is even possible if the data is spread over several computers – in the database conversation: Sharding. Generic indexes now give users more freedom to organize data. Indexing can be done via a filter function that automatically searches for documents, fields and their corresponding collections.

Client-side field-based encryption solves the problem of data security during the change. As its name indicates, encryption takes place outside the server. The developers implemented the function in the so-called drivers. There, the users configure the encryption algorithm and the key management service. For the moment, not all drivers are supported. But it should be so late later in the summer of 2019. For key management, only the AWS cloud service is currently available. But Google Cloud Platform, Azure and others should follow.

If you want to go further, you should take a look at MongoDB Atlas. This is a company cloud offer for the database product. Installation, maintenance and other services are provided by MongoDB. Users can focus on their own use or try new features such as client-side field-based encryption.

The majority of the ads were presented to some 2,000 visitors by Eliot Horowitz, co-founder of MongoDB and CTO.

The majority of the ads were presented to some 2,000 visitors by Eliot Horowitz, co-founder of MongoDB and CTO.

The cloud offering also has news. The keywords are: Data Lake and full text search. The first supports MQL queries (MongoDB query language) for S3 data in all formats, such as JSON or CSV. Access to the corresponding AWS Object Storage buckets can apparently be easily configured with a few clicks in the MongoDB Atlas console. In the future, this feature should also be available for Google Cloud Storage and Azure Storage.

With full-text search, users can filter, sort and sort the data directly into the database and display the most relevant results. Until now, a transfer to the corresponding system was necessary for research and evaluation. The badociated workload has now disappeared. Incidentally, the search function is based on Apache Lucene 8.

Talking about data, MongoDB graphics allow users to graph data or create, share and integrate dashboards directly into their web applications. This real-time graphical display of MongoDB data is available for both the Atlas cloud product and the self-managed server.

Finally, new information regarding the company acquired in April 2019 was provided. As a stage expert, it is a platform for mobile databases and data synchronization. The name Realm is kept. From a product point of view, MongoDB merges domain techniques with its own server-less Stitch platform. For connecting mobile data or databases with Atlas, the Realm synchronization protocol is used.

MongoDB expects takeover to be a big step towards mobile and web development. The Realm database offering is becoming the norm for writing applications for the mobile market. Next year, a new version will appear, it is the same for the synchronization product.
(Udo Seidel) /


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