More and more paralyzed children worry US authorities


Unknown virus

More and more paralyzed children worry US authorities

A polio-like illness occurs in the United States and results in hundreds of paralyzed children. The cause is still not clear. US authorities are worried that the reason indicates a previously unknown virus.

(USA.). In fact, acute flaccid myelitis (AFM) is a very rare disease, but it is becoming more common in the United States since the summer of 2014. About 400 children have already contracted the AFM, including 62 only in 2018.

US authorities and doctors are very worried about this because the AFM causes paralysis of the arms and legs, which in some ways resembles the symptoms of polio. The cause of the disease and the increase in its incidence are still unclear. However, it has already been noted that MFA reports always occur in waves, every year between June and November. Most cases are registered each year in August. This regular wave indicates a virus hitherto completely unknown.

But not only in the United States, where the number of cases is even greater, the rare disease occurs more frequently: in Germany too, the number of children paralyzed by the AFM increases alarmingly.

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