More than 1,400 refugees rescued off the south coast of Spain | TIME ONLINE


Madrid (dpa) – The Spanish maritime rescue saved more than 1400 refugees on dozens of boats off the country's southern coast in three days.

Just Friday, 888 migrants were captured in the Alboran Sea and in the Strait of Gibraltar, in the western Mediterranean, authorities said on Twitter . On Saturday, another 334 people were rescued Sunday afternoon, about 200, who were stung from 20 small boats in North Africa, the press agency Europa Press reported in the afternoon. -Midi a spokesman for the maritime rescue service.

For weeks, the flow of refugees did not break after Spain . More recently, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) has declared that the country has become the new main target of illegal migrants. The number now exceeds arrivals in Italy and Greece. Over the past weekend, more than 1,000 refugees have been rescued and taken to Andalusian ports.

Interior Minister Fernando Grande-Marlaska visited the region on Saturday to get an idea of ​​the situation. As the government tweeted, the politician specifically praised the "professionalism and humanity" of the local police and the Guardia Civil. Until now, the situation in Andalusia has been contained, said Mrs. Grande-Marlaska, adding that the refugee crisis is "a European problem requiring a European solution".

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