Mother encrusted in the concrete? His son rejects murder charges | – News – Lower Saxony


As of: 27.11.2018 19:17

He would have killed and sentenced his mother. According to the Göttingen District Court, a 47-year-old man has to answer.

Sven H. listened to the District Attorney of Göttingen while reading the indictment. In September 2017, he allegedly killed his 74-year-old mother with poker. The murder of greed is the accusation. The accused himself did not speak in court. One of his two supporters only explained that the 47-year-old had rejected the charges. What was not mentioned on the first day of the trial is what the investigation followed. It is said that the 47-year-old man wrapped his mother's body with aluminum foil, which they placed in the living room of the house, in a row of flowers and concrete. With gravel and flower pots, he had wanted to prevent the discovery of the body.

The man accused of murder will be handcuffed. © NDR

Concrete woman: her son in court

Lower Saxony 18.00

A 47-year-old man from Herzberg has been on trial since Tuesday for murder in the Göttingen District Court. He reportedly killed his mother out of greed in September 2017.

The defendant had no income and no debt

According to the prosecutor, this 47-year-old man had a five-figure debt, was unemployed and had no income. He had wanted to emigrate and had insisted that part of his parents' pension be paid to him. In addition, he had asked for 65,000 euros, which his parents would have possessed during a real estate sale. However, according to the prosecutor, the mother did not want to support her son financially anymore. Then, Sven H. took a poker in the living room of the house in Herzberg and hit the mother against the head and ribs. The blows to the head would have resulted in fractures of the skull. The 74-year-old man was a victim of a blood-dilution disease and died quickly, said the prosecutor.

His son was caught in Sweden

The act had gone unnoticed for seven months. Only after proof that the retiree disappeared and that her property in Herzberg was neglected, she searched the police to find the missing person. Beagles finally discovered the body. The son was very early on the target of the investigators, witnesses had seen him at the time of the crime in Herzberg. The prosecutor then sought abroad to find him. When the police found the man in Sweden in May, he had tried to escape but had failed.

Sven H. "Never returned to prison"

Sven H. was previously in prison for fraud in Rosdorf (District of Göttingen). He was considered a model prisoner after starting marathon training and was named amateur runner of the year by the German Athletics Association. He was released in 2013 and never wanted to return to prison, as he himself declared. We will see in March if this wish will be granted. Then the verdict should fall into the murder trial. Until then, 13 trial dates are scheduled.

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NDR 1 Lower Saxony |
Brunswick Regional |
27.11.2018 | 5:00 p.m.

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