Mourning for Nöstlinger: your best Sager


In 1970, Christine Nöstlinger published the red light Friederike and made a lasting impression on Austria. Generations have sunk in their innumerable books. She revolutionized a genre with her style and vision of children. On Friday, she was buried in the closest family circle in Hernals. "One of the most important literary voices" was lost, she congratulated the Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen

"Nicht kinderliebe" author bewitched Austria

Impressive. She was "not particularly fond of children," says Nöstlinger. It may be what makes them fit to write children's books, she guessed. Respect not only for the children always characterized her. "It has influenced many people with its image of humanity," says cult author Thomas Brezina (see interview below)

. Christine Nöstlinger was 81 years old. His works have been translated into countless languages. She did not want to write any more books, she announced in June. "Everything has changed a lot and I do not understand it anymore," she said about the world of children. As derogatory, she did not want to know that understood. Politically, she took a stand until the end – although she admitted in 2016: "I'm too old to get angry or angry."

  Christine Nöstlinger
© APA / Hochmuth

Edgy, almost cynical, a little wise: the best Sager of Nöstlinger

His quotes are legendary as his books. Best of:

  • About Age: "It is not a success to reach a certain age.I would better congratulate my internist and oncologist for bringing me so far. "

  • On Children: " There are unpleasant and horrible children. "At his 18th birthday, the man does not become a tramp, he grows up earlier. "

  • About his goal: " I want to make children rebellious, but do not comfort them. "

  • " In the past, children's books were actually educational pills, wrapped in entertainment paper. "

  • About the School: "You have to go past the school somewhere."

    "Children would be poor if only they had my books."

© Wolak

Brezina: "She is one of the greatest literati"

Christine Nöstlinger is a versatile artist

AUSTRIA: How long does Christine Nöstlinger's death hit you?

Thomas Brezina: Of course, it's a big loss. But their work will live very long

AUSTRIA: Were you also influenced by this work?

Brezina: I come from a time when a good child was a "good" child. She then showed that a child who thinks, does what he wants, who questions adults, is a "good" child. This encouragement to be yourself was incredibly good for me.

AUSTRIA: Was she also a model for you?

Brezina: She demonstrated that one must go back on one's own path, Do what you believe in and do not let the critics confuse you

AUSTRIA: That's it. does this mean for Austrian culture?

Brezina: Nöstlinger is one of the greatest literary figures ever produced in Austria. She also dared to do something completely new. She wrote how to speak, no one dared. She has influenced many people with her image of humanity – an incredible merit.

AUSTRIA: Are there any personal memories?

Brezina: We were together as ambbadadors of Andersen in Copenhagen. A very beautiful evening. Respect for children united us.

  Nöstlinger Books
© Fotomontage

Her work: More than 100 books and radio figures

Christine Nöstlinger is best known for her books. But she invented a lot more.

Labor. In 1970, Nöstlinger published Die Feuerrote Friederike – more than a hundred other jobs were to follow. With books like Maybug fly !, We whistle on the Gurkenkönig, Dear Mr Devil or Franz's Stories series, she has conquered generations of children.

Radio. She wrote the history of the radio with Dschi Dsche-i Wischer Dschunior – for Thomas Brezina a "revolutionary" broadcast. Rudi dog radio is also born from the imagination Nöstlingers. She also published poems in dialect

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