Multivitamin supplements and minerals do not protect against heart disease


What is the protective effect of multivitamin supplements and minerals?

Many people today use so-called nutritional supplements. But there are still discussions among experts on the effectiveness of these funds. Researchers have now discovered that multivitamin supplements and minerals have no benefit in preventing heart attacks, strokes or cardiovascular disease.

Scientists at the University of Alabama have found in their current research that a blend of vitamins and minerals can really protect against heart attacks, strokes or cardiovascular disease. The doctors published the results of their study in the English language journal "Circulation: Quality and Outcomes Cardiovascular."

What is the effectiveness of dietary supplements when it comes to protecting the heart? (Photo: pat_hastings /

Preventing Deaths from Heart Disease on Nutritional Supplements

For their badysis, experts badyzed data from more than two million people. The distribution of nutritional supplements allows companies to make millions of sales. Often these supplements are advertised through a wide range of health promotion effects. However, researchers have found no evidence in their badysis of 18 published studies on dietary supplements that their use can reduce deaths from heart disease.

Disadvantages of Using Dietary Supplements

Improving lifestyle or diet and instead of relying too much on dietary supplements, doctors suspect.

Overall, it has been extremely difficult to convince people, including nutritionists, that multivitamin and mineral supplements do not prevent cardiovascular disease, according to the author of the ### 39; study. Joonseok Kim of the University of Alabama

Supporting Good Health Protection Practices

Hopefully the results of the current study will help mitigate the praise generalized multivitamin and mineral supplements. People need to be encouraged to use best practices to reduce their risk of cardiovascular disease, experts say. Affected people should, for example, eat more fruits and vegetables and quit.

How to promote food supplements?

Dietary supplements do not require approval in many countries for their safety or effectiveness. Although manufacturers can not make specific claims about the ability of their products to prevent, cure or treat the disease, this does not apply to more general health claims, say the study's authors.

Nutritional supplements neglect other options

Dietary supplements that can affect your health are very rare. The problem, according to the medical profession, is that people may neglect lifestyle or medical interventions for a proven benefit if they consider vitamins as an option easier.

Nothing can replace a balanced diet

Heart especially on a healthy diet, experts advise. There is no substitute for a balanced and nutritious diet rich in fruits and vegetables, which limits the consumption of excess calories, saturated fat, trans fat, sodium, sugar and cholesterol, doctors. (As)

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