Munich Re: Course change on the third day in Folg – Munich Re shares behind Dax back


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Stock Quotes Munich Re: Course Changes On The Third Day In Folg

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  Munich Re: Unchanged beginning of the day - Munich Re shares behind Dax back   Munich Re: beginning of the day Unchanged - Munich Re shares behind Dax back

Munich Re: beginning Unchanged in the day of trading – Munich Re actions behind Dax back

Source: dpa-infocom GmbH

The share of Munich Re manages to go from -0,19 per cent only to the lower third of the Dax.

D The value of the Munich Reinsurance Company was currently 187.55 euros, while the closing price of the previous day was 187.90 euros. For Munich Re, nothing is progressing for the moment, and it remains to be seen whether the price of this stock will continue to change pretty much.

While the Dax is up 0.37% today, Munich Re is behind today with less than 0.19% in the bottom third of the Dax in place. the company is currently 7.06 percent below the 52-week high, which was 200.80 euros. The 52 week low was 102.06 euros

The title currently shows a trade volume of 2.44 million euros. At the same time, securities worth EUR 2.44 million were also traded on the previous trading day

All Munich Re shares freely available currently have a value of EUR. approximately 29,664.59 million euros. This takes into account the market capitalization of the Munich Reinsurance Company with a weighting of 2.87% in the formation of the index. SAP currently has the highest market value of the Dax.

During the 2016 financial year, Munich Re achieved a turnover of 48.9 billion euros and a profit of 2.58 billion euros. At the end of December 2016, the company had approximately 43,428 employees worldwide (source: data driven news).

Data: Tradegate Exchange / Status: Sunday, July 15, 2018, 15:34

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