Nahles, SPD leader: "If you think you can do better, contact us – Domestic Policy


The president of the SPD, Andrea Nahles (48), very under pressure inside, goes against his critics on the offensive. In the "Süddeutsche Zeitung", she calls for more honesty and openness.

▶ She leads the party with all her "power, pbadion, and self-confidence," says Nahles. The head of the toxic SPD: "If someone thinks he's faster or better, he should report it."

Nahles does not want to prefer a congress

Sunday begins the two-day closed meeting of SPD leaders. Here, Nahles wants to postpone the advance, the planned party congress planned for the end of 2019, including the leadership elections. This would mean, on the one hand, their personal future sooner than expected, as well as the future of the Great Coalition.

Among others, Kevin Kühnert (29), CEO of Juso, had argued for a preference. He is considered a fierce critic of the grand coalition at the federal level.

"I want to know what it's like to bring a convention or staff exchange to a party, and I want people's motives and concerns to be communicated openly, which is what I'm asking for," he said. Nahles.

Nahles wants to meet the previous schedule with the party congress at the end of 2019. "From the new start of the Great Coalition to the substantial renewal of the SPD with the participation of party members – the date of the party conference at the end of 2019 is already extremely sporty, "she said.

She wanted the party to debate more and find more clarity in the contentious issues. "We need time until next year if we want to do it right, it's foolish to spill everything without a head."

Kühnert keeps pressure on Nahles

Prior to the SPD council meeting, Juso President Kevin Kühnert again called against party leader Andrea Nahles and asked for a preference for the party's congress scheduled for the end of 2019. "Given the fragility of the coalition, we have no time to spare to update our program with the 600 delegates, "Kühnert said in the Rheinische Post newspaper.

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Photo: Michael Kappeler / dpa

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Juso CEO Kevin Kühnert would like the agreement to take place sooner than expectedPhoto: Michael Kappeler / dpa

"Given the changing situation in the Union, we must be able to act quickly." S & # 39; s pressing the review clause can quickly turn against us.

The revision clause had been introduced at the insistence of the SPD in the coalition agreement. After two years, this will verify if the grand coalition has achieved enough results and if the alliance is still operational.

Many consider the revision of the GroKo after two years as an "exit clause".

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