Netflix: the streaming service tests a more expensive Ultra subscription


Dusseldorf With its rapid growth, Netflix causes a shift in the television market and attracts more and more users through its streaming offerings – but they may have to dig deeper into their pockets in the future. Because in addition to previous Basic, Standard and Premium subscription models Netflix is ​​now testing the "Ultra" price level.

Up to now, the premium model was the most expensive with 13.99 euros per month. In addition to unlimited access to all movies and series, it also includes the ability to watch videos in HD and Ultra HD quality.

HDR streaming is also available – this technology improves the brightness and contrast of the image, making the videos as realistic as possible. However, for HDR mode, the client needs properly equipped devices.

The new models of Netflix at a glance

The new subscription is currently tested in various models. Different users will see different prices and options on the Netflix website. Netflix wants to check which model has the most success in order to adjust its offer accordingly.

New is the Ultra model, however, only the price: For some interested people, it costs 16.99 euros a month, others should pay 19.99 euros a month. Otherwise, only the previous price levels will be devalued.

According to the offer is then, for example, simultaneous streaming on two devices in the standard rate is no longer possible and in the premium rate on two devices instead of four. In other variants, the premium model does not offer the best audio quality or HDR mode.

The trick: Netflix Ultra is nothing more than a test to find out what new customers are willing to pay to subscribe to the streaming service. The new price level does not exist yet – which supplements an Ultra subscription, actually receives a premium subscription at the previous price of € 13.99 per month. However, this will only be disclosed after the final order. So, for now, nothing should change for existing customers.

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