Netflix turns a series on drugs and hip-hop in Frankfurt


NOTetflix is ​​shooting a new series in Germany. "Skylines" is dedicated to the hip-hop scene and drugs in Frankfurt-am-Main. Filming began Thursday, the streaming service announced. Among the main actors are Richy Müller, whom many know as commissioner of the "crime scene" of Stuttgart, and Edin Hasanovic ("brothers", "Only God can judge me"). He was honored with the Golden Camera as Best Young Actor in 2016 and starred in the ZDF series "Familie Braun", which received the Emmy International Award in 2017. Murathan Muslu, Peri Baumeister and Erdal Yildiz are also among the performers.

"Skylines" tells the story of a young hip-hop producer who has the good fortune of his life when he signs on the Skyline Records label. But when the label 's criminal brother and the country' s biggest rap stars are coming back from abroad and claiming their share, they face problems that no – one was expecting. According to Netflix, filming takes place in Frankfurt and Berlin.

Max Erlenwein ("Gravity") and Soleen Yusef ("House without roof") are the directors of the six 50-minute episodes. The scripts were written by lead author Dennis Schanz with Oliver Karan, Ole Lohmann and Kim Zimmermann. The executive producers are Komplizen Film (Janine Jackowski, Jonas Dornbach, Maren Ade, David Keitsch) and StickUp Filmproduktion (Luis Singer, Dennis Schanz).

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