New casting of Halberg – 228 dismissals threatened – Saarland


Saarbrücken – The decision of management to make such a decision shortly before Christmas says a lot about the current owners of Prevent!

At the time of hope, this news comes as a club beat. The company committee of Neue Halberg Guss (NHG) has been informed of the dismissal of 228 employees at the Saarbrücken site.

Bernd Geier, chairman of the NHG company committee: "We have heard the company committee with management.Since the layoffs were announced on November 28. To our knowledge, none exists until Now we have excluded dismissals as a precaution. "

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Photo: Jennifer Weyland

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New Halberg Guss manufactures engine blocks for trucks and cars Photo: Jennifer Weyland

So, mbadive job cuts … In fact, the remaining 1,300 employees had hoped for a future at NHG. Reason: Prevent's sales talks with future One Square advisers are in the hot phase. And until now, the signals were mostly positive: you are about to reach an agreement.

Patrick Selzer of IG Metall is therefore encouraging: "We hope that the sale will proceed quickly and that we can still prevent layoffs."

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