New evidence of a relationship between mobile phone radiation and cancer


Do mobile phones trigger cancer?

A long-standing American study on the effects of radio waves emitted by mobile phones has clearly highlighted a link between high levels of exposure and the development of cancer.

Scientists at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) have found in their recent research that cell phones could be badociated with cancer development. Doctors published a press release on the results of their study.

Can the radiation of mobile phones cause cancer? (Image: Rido / fotolia, com)

Tumors discovered on the heart, brain and adrenal glands

The purpose of the study was to examine the toxicity of mobile phone radiation in response to the widespread use of equipment in modern life. In their rodent study, the experts then identified a link between mobile phone radiation and the development of heart cancer in male rats. There was also evidence of links with brain tumors and adrenal glands in men.

Radiation exposure was very high

In the study, the radiation exposure was well above the levels that most people would face. However, researchers have shown that the link between radio frequencies and tumors existed, at least in the rat. The scientists point out that the exposures used in the studies can not be compared directly with the exposure of people when they use a cell phone. The studies exposed rats and mice to radio-frequency radiation all over the body. On the other hand, radiation generally only affects some local tissues close to their mobile phone. In addition, the exposure levels and duration of radiation during the study were stronger than the radiation that people experience over the phone.

Rats were irradiated daily for nine hours

The studies lasted a decade and cost over $ 30 million. Animal tissues were examined for signs of tumors after irradiating most of their natural life for nine hours a day. Radiation has already begun in the womb.

Irradiated rats had more frequent tumors on the heart

The survey results raise important questions, not least because the lowest exposure levels were the maximum values ​​allowed for mobile phones, according to the medical profession. Scientists found that the incidence of heart tumors was higher in male rats than in control rats not exposed to radiation. Experts believe that the relationship between radiofrequency radiation and tumors is very real in male rats, but some critics doubt.

Even modern mobile phones could be affected

The study also focused on 2G and 3G wireless signals, the variants most commonly used in cell phones initially. However, researchers say their results are still relevant, as most cell phones still use these bands next to Wi-Fi and 4G. (As)

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