New findings on nausea after anesthesia | City Health Berlin


Some patients wake up after anesthesia with severe nausea. This may be due to the fact that they may carry a particular genetic variant. The new trigger has been identified by scientists from the University of Essen / Duisburg.

Many patients experience the phenomenon: after surgery, they feel sick, often so strong that they vomit. Not the operation itself, but the anesthetic is to blame, as we know for a long time. Until now, risk factors such as previous anesthetic tolerability, bad, smoking status, and the tendency to travel sickness with the so-called apple score have been collected. However, this alone can not explain postoperative nausea in all patients: For now, scientists at the University of Essen / Duisburg have discovered a genetic feature that is clearly common in people Affected: This is a gene variant of the M3 receptor of acetylcholine. Report in the "British Journal of Anesthesia".

Genetic predisposition promotes nausea and vomiting

A team of 454 patients brought the team. Stefanie Klenke points out that this genetic variant could be partly responsible for postoperative nausea: "Whenever nausea has occurred, we have found a much more common gene variant in the M3 acetylcholine receptor," explains l & # 39; anesthetist. This suggests that the trigger is probably less in the stomach than in the brain.

According to the authors of the study, the genetic factor is completely independent of the score of the apple. "Therefore, it may be that patients who are not noticed with this method after an operation is an ulcer," said Klenke.

Prophylaxis for all?

To prevent this from happening, the researchers also require that patients who present only a presumed low risk of postoperative nausea according to Apple's score are generally protected by preventive measures. "Better to be careful." Alternatively, a genetic test before anesthesia could be performed. However, these genetic screens are currently not performed.

Photo: © Kzenon –

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