New species of dangerous ticks have now arrived in northern Germany


Hyalomma and alluvial ticks in the Hanover area

The University of Veterinary Medicine of Hannover recently announced that the Buntzecke, also known as Auwaldzecke, had been discovered for the first time in the Greater Hanover area. The tick is particularly dangerous for dogs because they can infect animals with Hundebabesiosis (canine malaria). TiHo's experts also fear that the tropical tick hyalomma has settled in northern Germany, considered the vector of dangerous viruses Crimean Congo.

The TiHo is now starting an investigation into the actual distribution of the new tick species in the Hanover area. To this end, the university asks for the support of the population. "We ask our research project to send us hyalomma or riparian ticks with indication of the locality," says Prof. Dr. med. Christina Strube in a press release. The locality can be indicated with the postal code or with the GPS data. If ticks were found on an animal, the college asks to call the species as well.

On the left side of the wood tick (ticks) is formed. The right side shows the hyalomma tick. (Photo: Institute of Parasitology, TiHo Hannover)

How do you recognize a forest tide?

According to the TiHo, the Auwaldzecke or Tuntzecke (Dermacentor reticulatus) is well recognized on the rear structure mottled with white (see photo). The marbled vertebral shield covers the whole body in men, in women only the anterior third of the body. The outer edge is red-orange. The Buntzeckenweibchen measure about five millimeters. If soaked, they can swell to a size of 16 mm. Males are slightly smaller than females and their size does not increase at the time of sucking.

How dangerous is ragwort?

The forest eel can transmit the virus Babesia canis canis, which can destroy red blood cells in the blood of dogs. Animals often suffer from fever after infection and are weakened because tissues and organs are no longer adequately supplied with oxygen. Dogs need intensive treatment to recover from the disease. In some cases, malaria in dogs ends fatally. "Dog owners must be particularly attentive and attach great importance to effective protection against ticks," advise TiHo experts.

How to recognize a hyalomma tick?

"Hyalomma ticks are remarkably large and well recognized at their striped legs," says TiHo's team. The hyalomma tick is about five times larger than domestic ticks (common deer). In addition, the hyalomma tick can move very quickly.

How does the hyalomma tick come to Germany?

The TiHo team suspects that this tropical and subtropical tick species has been infiltrated by migratory birds in Germany. Usually, this species of tick is not native to Germany. But the summer of 2018 has created favorable conditions for animals. The university points out that the hyalomma tick has been found repeatedly in horses in the Hanover area.

What is the dangerousness of the hyalomma tick?

"The Hyalomma species can transmit, among others, Crimean Congo virus and Rickettsia bacteria," warns TiHo. Both pathogens could be dangerous to humans and cause a high fever. While Crimean Congo viruses could not yet be detected by a tick bite in Germany, researchers have already discovered rickettsia, which can trigger dangerous typhus in humans.

Help us!

The Institute of Parasitology at the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover wants to study to what extent new types of ticks actually spread and if they carry infectious agents. If you find one of the species of ticks mentioned above, the institute will be happy to receive a report indicating its location. The delivery address is: Stiftung Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover, Institute of Parasitology, Professor Strube, Bünteweg 17, 30559 Hannover. (Vb)

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