New technology for Stuttgart: SSB awaits Daimler's E-Bus – Stuttgart


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Electric buses have long been in regular service in major cities of China. In Stuttgart, this will not be the case before 2020.

  On July 10, Daimler introduced the Citaro electric bus. The long version will be in Stuttgart in 2020. Photo: dpa

On July 10, Daimler introduced the Citaro electric bus. It will be until 2020 until the long version is in Stuttgart.

Photo: dpa

Stuttgart. – Stuttgarter Straßenbahnen AG (SSB), Till Oberwörder, director of Daimler Buses, and OB Fritz Kuhn (Greens) signed on Friday a letter of intent for the use of four fully electric articulated buses. They are supposed to drive on the X1 line between Bad Cannstatt and the city, but not until 2020, then as test vehicles.

Daimler introduced its Citaro E-Bus in July, mbad production should start in late 2018, and the large articulated buses required by SSB will come later. They require a much higher battery capacity than the featured solo bus. A full day operation will be difficult. Daimler is planning the complete replacement of the diesel buses on the E-Citaro with an extension of the range by a fuel cell. Then, according to Daimler, 400 kilometers would be possible. Daimler is not the only provider of battery powered buses. Volvo has been using a prototype articulated bus since June 2018 in Gothenburg. Loading is done at stops on the route. The Chinese automaker BYD has won a tender for 23 electric buses in Turin. In Shenzhen, China drives 16,000 e-buses, especially the manufacturer BYD. As it is a test in Stuttgart, the SSB should not ask for delivery of the bus.

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