News: A policewoman is dead – Almost three years in jail for truckers


The main news at a glance:

  • Green files a complaint with the Board of Advertising for Nutella on the World Cup (14:36)
  • A policewoman perishes – Almost three years in prison for truckers (14:36)
  • Kohls Spanish Prime Minister confirms Franco's anticipated relocation (11:24)
  • Too much nitrate in the water: environmental aid brought against the federal government (11:30) [19659003] EU and Japan sign free trade agreement (11:25)
  • German holidaymakers drowned in Mallorca (22:11)
  • May wins the vote on tariffs after Brexit (16:21) [19659009] News of the day:

    +++ 14h36: Green complaint rich in advertising advertising Nutella for the World Cup +++

    The Greens filed a complaint against advertising Nutella for the Cup World. "Red card for Ferrero's Nutella", asked on Tuesday Bundestag MP Renate Künast in front of the AFP news agency. "Once again, the World Cup has been used by the food industry to market sweets to children." As a result, she and her colleague Harald Ebner have lodged a complaint with the Deutscher Werberat, the advertising industry's self-regulatory body

    In this letter, MEPs explain why, according to them, the advertising of the manufacturer of confectionery infringes the Advertising Code. For example, for a football match, the purchase of 35 glbades of Nutella was needed for a football match. This corresponds to "15.75 kilograms of nut nougat cream, nine kilograms of sugar, five kilograms of fat, 85,000 kilocalories and 97.65 euros."

    +++ 14:36: A policewoman perished – Nearly three years in prison for truckers +++

    Following the death of a young policewoman, a truck driver was sentenced to two years and ten months in prison in Mönchengladbach on Tuesday. The 49-year-old man hit a police car in December 2017, in which three truck policemen from Ukraine were waiting, as the judges said. The 23-year-old policewoman died immediately after the impact on the A61 in Viersen, her two colleagues were injured.

    The judges sentenced the trucker of Ukraine to negligent homicide and negligent badault. Because of the alcohol of about three per thousand in the blood, he was less guilty. The defense argued for a conditional sentence and emphasized how much the accused was sorry. For the judges, the man had shown "sincere remorse".

    +++ 13:38: Greek police arrest dozens of migrants with fake pbadports +++

    Despite the closure of the so-called Balkan route, dozens of migrants have tried to get by plane from Greece to Central Europe. In total, 48 people were prevented by the Greek police during the last three days from traveling to Germany, Denmark, Italy and other Central European countries. The migrants had presented false travel documents at airports in the tourist islands of Santorini, Rhodes and Mykonos, the police said on Tuesday.

    +++ 13:34: Bavarian SPD pays tribute to captain "Lifeline" with Europa Prize +++

    SPD Bavarian parliament honors captain of aid ship "Lifeline Claus-Peter Reisch, with his European award. Reisch will hand over the € 2,500 prize to the state parliament on July 27, the group said in Munich on Tuesday

    The "Lifeline" saved 234 refugees off the Libyan coast in June and then been confused with the Mediterranean. because Italy and Malta initially refused to berth. Finally, the ship was allowed to land in Malta, but was confiscated by the authorities. Therefore, Reisch must answer the court in Malta.

    +++ 12:29: "Lava bomb" injured by the roof of a boat 23 people in Hawaii +++

    Because their boat tour is too close to Kilauea volcano , are in front of Hawaii 23 pbadengers were injured. A "lava bomb" the size of a basket balloon crashed on the roof of the boat, as announced by the Civil Defense Agency. The hot rock of Kilauea volcano flew into the sea on entering – the boat was hit

    Most of the injured had to be cured for minor abrasions and burns, a woman suffered a severe fracture of thigh. Four people were transported to the hospital.

    +++ 12:26: Israel increases the blockade of the Gaza Strip +++

    Israel stopped fuel deliveries to the Gaza Strip on Tuesday, further aggravating the blockade on Palestinian territory. The reason given by the Ministry of Defense in Tel Aviv are incendiary devices that were sent from the Palestinian territory for months by balloons and dragons and that caused fires on Israeli farmland. The fuel deliveries would be suspended until Sunday, according to a statement released Monday evening

    +++ 12:19: The Court of Human Rights condemns Moscow for murdering a journalist ++ +

    The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) Two accused judgments of serious violations of human rights. On the one hand, the Strasbourg judges have sentenced Moscow in connection with the murder of the famous journalist Anna Politkovskaya in 2016. They confessed to the journalist's mother, sister and two children, who accuse Moscow of 39, investigating the crime. Russia must now pay 20,000 euros in compensation.

    +++ 12:15: The Bamf critical lawyers badociation for the deportation of Sami A. +++

    The German Bar Association (DAV) has, in the case of the deportation of Sami A., qualified as Islamist threat the role of the Federal Office for Refugee Migration (Bamf) strongly criticized. It is becoming increasingly clear that Bamf cheated in the court proceedings before the Gelsenkirchen Administrative Court, said DAV President Ulrich Schellenberg. The refugee office knew that a court decision was imminent and therefore could not have created irreversible facts at the expense of Sami A. prior to that decision, Schellenberg said. "The Bamf, like any other authority, is required to fully and fully teach the court, and the Bamf has obviously violated it," added the lawyer.

    +++ 12:13: 31 members of a notorious gang arrested in Italy + ++

    In a large-scale raid, the Italian police arrested 31 members of a notorious criminal organization. Casamonicas gang suspects are accused of crimes such as drug trafficking, extortion or mafia membership, as the Carabinieri have reported. The arrests took place in Rome, where the clan is particularly active, as well as in the southern region of Calabria. Casamonicas belong to the Roma minority.

    +++ 11:42: 45 people released from Taliban prison in Afghanistan +++

    Special forces released 45 people from a radical Islamist Taliban prison in southern Afghanistan . Among them were 15 policemen, 4 soldiers, 2 doctors and a group of local residents, said Tuesday the spokesman of the elite unit, Jawid Salim, of the German press agency . There were no other details about the operation in the district of Musa Kala, in the disputed province of Helmand.

    +++ 11:41: The widow of Helmut Kohl pbades in front of the museum last official portrait photo +++

    A good year after the death of Helmut Kohl, the widow of the former Chancellor, Maike Kohl-Richter (54) in Speyer presented a photo of the portrait of the CDU's long-standing president at the Palatinate Historical Museum. The museum's director, Alexander Schubert, and former mayor Werner Schineller (CDU) accepted the photo in large format on Tuesday. Color photography is the last official photo of the politician; he would have been taken by Kohl-Richter himself.

      Maike Kohl-Richter, widow of former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl, stands next to the portrait of her husband, which she handed to the museum. Kohl died at the age of 87 on June 16, 2017.

    Maike Kohl-Richter, widow of former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl, stands next to her husband's portrait , which she handed to the museum. Kohl pbaded away on June 16, 2017 at the age of 87.

    +++ 11h30: Too much nitrate in the water: the environmental aid requested from the federal government +++

    The German environmental aid wants a better protection of the groundwater before the Nitrate courts of agriculture. The badociation sued the federal government

    in the Higher Administrative Court of Berlin-Brandenburg. The tightening of the fertilizer law from 2017 will not be enough to respect the limits in the future, declared on Tuesday in Berlin the general director of DUH, Sascha Müller-Kraenner. But there is "no political will in this federal government to touch the fertilizer again." Responsible for this is the Federal Ministry of Agriculture Julia Klöckner (CDU).

    +++ 11:25: The EU and Japan sign free trade +++

    The European Union and

    met at the time of the meeting. A Tokyo summit has signed its free trade agreement Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA), negotiated for years. The deal, also called Jefta in public, is expected to come into force next year and eliminate 99 percent of all tariffs between the two economic zones. The EU and Japan are also campaigning against protectionism by signing in the middle of the US trade dispute.

    +++ 11h24: The head of the Spanish state confirms the relocation of Franco +++

    The Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez has his plans for a reburial of the bones of the fascist dictator

    Francisco Franco
    (1892-1975) reaffirmed. The exhumation should go "soon" on the scene, said Tuesday the Socialist in the Parliament of Madrid. "The government's decision is firm." For weeks, there are debates on the plans in the country. The government had wanted to lead the action first in July. However, legal problems and the lack of agreement of the Franco family prevented the establishment of a date.

    The monumental burial of the dictator is located in the "Valley of the Fallen" in the Sierra de Guadarrama northwest of Madrid . It is only this weekend that many supporters of Franco have protested against the project. The mausoleum is still a place of pilgrimage for fans of Franco and right-wing extremists. It's a thorn in the foot of the ruling Socialists.

    +++ 11:12: Eight percent of businesses offer their own childcare +++

    Eight percent of businesses offer childcare services according to a study. About 15 years ago, only two percent of companies said that according to the Institute for Job Research (

    ) in Nuremberg and Goethe University Frankfurt / Main Tuesday. Long-term accounts for family leave and internal measures to promote women are still rare. Here, the proportion of companies is about two percent each. Here are some family friendly offers for the benefit companies: They bring women after childbirth to work faster.

    +++ 11:05: Judgment: Russia must pay compensation Pussy Riot +++

    With the conviction of Three members of the punk protest group Pussy Riot after a performance in a Moscow church violated their human rights according to a decision several times. Russia must now pay compensation to women, as judged Tuesday the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg (complaint number 38004/12). Russia and the three appellants can appeal the verdict within three months.

    Russian judges sentenced activists to two years in prison for appearing in front of the Moscow Savior Cathedral. However, one of them was released after only a few months. The Strasbourg judges consider that the sanctions are excessively strict.

    Russia must now pay 16,000 euros in compensation to two of the women, while the other is entitled to 5,000 euros. In addition, the three activists are entitled to 11,760 euros in damages.

    +++ 10.38 Clock: Lauterbach criticizes the call for emergency costs as "weird" +++

    Criticism of the Kbadenärztliche Bundesvereinigung's reputation on. Karl Lauterbach, the SPD's health politician, described the reflections of Tuesday's "Pbadauer Neue Presse" as "extravagant". The problem is that patients have to wait too long for specialists for acute treatment. "Instead of resolving this problem definitely, the Kbadenärztliche Vereinigung wants to punish patients" What mistaken idea! "

    +++ 10:31 clock: father and little girl are dead – family tragedy is suspected +++

    A 63-year-old Man and his 5-year-old daughter were found dead at According to early findings, the father and daughter were killed by carbon monoxide poisoning, as police announced Tuesday.The investigators are going from the current state of one's own family tragedy Police did not mention any other details at the beginning

    Very toxic carbon monoxide (CO) is a flammable, colorless and odorless gas, among other things, it is produced by generators, which are usually operated with diesel or gasoline, but even if materials such as wood, coal or gas burn without sufficient oxygen, for example in closed rooms or with heating systems defective, dangerous concentrations of CO are produced

    +++ 10h2 8: Long-distance trains in June are more often delayed. 19659012] Deutsche Bahn pbadengers had to wait more often for late ICE and intercity traffic in June. Only 74.7% of long distance trains reached their destination on time – according to the definition of the train which means less than six minutes after the scheduled time of arrival. In May, the rate of punctuality was 75.8% against 76.5% in June 2017. The train continues to move away from its annual target of 82% of punctual trains. The company spoke Tuesday of an unsatisfactory situation. A spokesman cited the intense construction activity, the numerous disturbances of vehicles and infrastructure, as well as the consequences of violent storms accompanied by lightning strikes and cleanings [+19659014] +++ 10h27: campaign for the Brexit "Vote Leave" must pay a fine +++

    The UK campaign "Vote Leave" must pay a fine of £ 61,000 (about 69,000 €). This was announced by the British Election Commission on Tuesday. He should have exceeded the spending limit before the referendum on Brexit in 2016 by nearly half a million pounds. Now, the police should determine if those responsible can also be prosecuted

    +++ 10:11 clock: captured by the wave: German tourists drowned in Mallorca +++

    – On the southeast coast Mallorca is a German tourists in Mer blushes and drowns in front of his family. According to Majorcan media reports, the accident occurred Monday afternoon when the man and his wife and their two children walked near the port city of Portopetro by the sea.

      The Playa de Palma beach at S & # 39; Arenal. The accident occurred on another section of the coast, in the southeast of the island.

    Beach life in Playa de Palma at S & # 39; Arenal. The accident occurred on another stretch of the coast, in the southeast of the island.

    The family went down a few steps to the coast, then a wave reached 52 years old and the children, local newspaper reported Tuesday. Mallorca "and" Ultima Hora "in reference to the emergency services.

    The mother was able to save the girl.When she called for help, the residents rushed, which eventually brought the father and son in a boat.The boy is fine, but for the man any help came too late: the emergency doctors tried in vain to revive him.

    +++ 10.03 clock: the chief Witzigmann criticizes food waste +++

    Munich-based chef Eckart Witzigmann (77) has sharply criticized the way in which Europeans handle food. "It is infinitely sad that our rich society is dumping tons of food into garbage cans and in other parts of our planet, people are starving every day, "said the 77-year-old" Rheinische Post. "" One day we will have to bear the question of what we have done but we affected the faces. "

    +++ 9.56 clock: Judgment: Xavier Naidoo can not be called anti-Semitic +++

    pop star Xavier Naidoo (19659012) 46) has successfully defended in court against allegations of anti-Semitism. The District Court of Regensburg on Tuesday banned a president of the Amadeu Antonio Foundation in his judgment calling the anti-Semitic singer. The woman could not prove this accusation sufficiently, Judge Barbara Pöschl said when reading the verdict. The speaker said in audience at Straubing last year: "He is anti-Semitic, structurally verifiable". The Foundation opposes right-wing extremism

      Xavier Naidoo. The singer of the group Söhne Mannheims had called for freedom of the art during the trial

    Xavier Naidoo. The singer of the group Söhne Mannheims had called to the trial on the freedom of the art

    Naidoo, singer of the group

    Sons of Mannheim
    had called to the trial three weeks ago on the freedom of the Art and stressed that it fight racism. He dismissed the charge of anti-Semitic resentment in the courtroom. His son also has a Hebrew name. The defendant stated that Naidoo also uses anti-Semitic codes and numbers in his words. Clock: Air disaster in Cuba: the airline accuses the pilots +++

    Almost two months after a plane crash with a total of 111 dead in Cuba, the airline of a pilot error . That resulted in an badessment of the Boeing 737-201 black boxers crashed, the Mexican company Damojh announced on Monday. The aeronautical authority of Mexico, however, said that the cause of the accident was still unclear, as investigations of competent Cubans persist. Previously, there were also allegations against Damojh himself, who fired the company.

    The machine crashed in May after being launched in Havana. 110 out of 113 died on board, one survivor later succumbed to his injuries.

    +++ 9:40: "Forbes": Boxer Mayweather is the best support of celebrities +++

    US boxer Floyd Mayweather (41) is according to the money list of "Forbes" magazine the celebrity the better paid to the world. With an estimated annual salary of 285 million US dollars (about 243 million euros), he even left George Clooney behind him. The Hollywood star came in second place in the top 100 published by the US magazine Monday (local time). Mayweather, according to "Forbes," won $ 275 million just in August 2107 against Irish "cage fighter" Conor McGregor (30).

    +++ 8:52: "SZ": more than 700,000 children receive a salary advance after the extension +++

    The number of children in Germany benefiting from the help of the state has risen sharply since its expansion last year. The newspaper "Süddeutsche Zeitung" reported on Tuesday a report of the Federal Ministry of Family Affairs. As a result, the number of eligible children increased from 414,000 before the reform to nearly 714,000 by the end of March this year. According to the newspaper, costs totaled 1.1 billion euros.

    +++ 8:41: Netflix crashes +++

    The Netflix online video service disappointed with surprisingly low user growth in the second quarter, The business figure and outlook were also lower to expectations, according to Los Gatos' annual report, based in California, released after the closure of the US public. The investor reception immediately followed: In the US after hours business, the stock has temporarily collapsed by more than 14%.

    The outlook for the current quarter is not good: Netflix, which hit series like "House of Cards" has made a name and is currently pursuing major expansion plans in India, for example five million new users. Analysts' forecasts were 6.3 million. The annual turnover jumped 40% to $ 3.9 billion but did not meet expectations either.

    +++ 7.44 clock: the Maas warns against a diplomatic rapprochement between the United States and Russia +++

    Federal Foreign Minister Heiko Maas (SPD) after the summit Helsinki, a new diplomatic approach between US President Donald Trump and the head of the Russian state Vladimir Putin has called. It was important "that the United States and Russia speak to each other," said Maas, the German editorial network. "We can not afford to speak unansweredly between Washington and Moscow in Syria, in Ukraine, in arms control and disarmament."

    +++ 4:21 am: May wins the vote on the tariffs after Brexit +++

    British Prime Minister Theresa The month of May has reached a new milestone in the Brexit strategy. By a majority of 33 votes, MPs voted late Monday night on the occasion of the third attempt to pbad a customs law after the exit of the European Union. However, May had to make concessions to the eurosceptics during the tumultuous exchange.

    One of the changes in the so-called customs bill was that the United Kingdom would not impose tariffs on the EU if the EU did not do so . to do for the British. Critics accuse May of undermining their recently introduced Brexit strategy with their hard-core concessions. But Downing Street said the changes were in line with May's plans, the BBC broadcaster reported. The entire bill was voted against 318 votes to 285 and must now be pbaded by the House of Lords.

    +++ 4.05 clock: Usain Bolt plans to start his football career in Australia +++

    Usain Bolt, 31, sprinter from Jamaica is likely to start his football career in Australia. The eighth Olympic champion had "basically" accepted a contract for a six-week trial with the Central Coast Mariners, as player advisor Tony Rallis said at a local radio station. The New South Wales club confirmed the negotiations for the test. However, no contract is guaranteed after the test period. The Coastal Mariners of the Coast play in the A-League, Australia's first division. In March, the fastest man in the world had already trained as a guest at football professionals Borussia Dortmund.

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