News: Beat and almost strangled – a father arrested in Hamburg for attempted murder of a girl


The main news at a glance:

  • Death of an attacker of the security forces in Tunisia (14:40)
  • The singer of Gorillaz crushes at the Roskilde Festival (12.08)
  • 08:08)
  • The rescue operation in Thailand began (06.04)
  • The AfD goes up in the investigation to record the value (00:16 )

News of the day:

+++ 15:13: Father in Hamburg for attempted murder arrested to his daughter +++

In Hamburg, the father of a 14 year old boy was arrested for attempting to badbadinate his daughter. Police said the father had hit his teenage daughter Friday night after an argument and choked her until she was unconscious. Eventually, she managed to flee the apartment and inform friends, who in turn alerted the police and the rescuers.

According to previous surveys, the 44-year-old Egyptian learned before the quarrel that his daughter had a boyfriend. the police. The 14-year-old girl was admitted to a hospital where her injuries were clbadified as "extremely life-threatening at the time of the outbreak of violence". A warrant for attempted murder was issued against the father. He was placed in custody Sunday morning.

+++ 14:40: Several wounded in attack by security forces in Tunisia +++

Several security forces were killed in an attack on a National Guard post in Tunisia. At least eight soldiers were killed, reported Tunisian state television. The death of a ninth man is not yet confirmed. According to the report, several armed men attacked a border crossing in the Jendouba region, on the Tunisian-Algerian border. The details were initially unclear, according to the Ministry of the Interior. State television spoke of an attack by "terrorists".

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 14:36: Bitch survives a 60-meter crash in Austria +++

A bitch makes a 60 meter deep crash at St. Wolfgang in Austria a gorge has survived intact. The four-legged friends of a married couple from Germany, aged 14 months, crashed during the descent on the so-called Wirersteig and fell into a narrow gorge, as indicated the police. The 49-year-old woman and her 52-year-old husband could not help her "Lotta" herself. Four men from the rescue mountain and two officials from the Gmunden Alpine Police could finally save the dog. The animal was not injured.

+++ 11:55: E-commerce gains strength in the second quarter +++

In the second quarter, German consumers again bought a lot more online. As reported by the Federal Association of Electronic Commerce and Mail Order in Berlin, gross sales in online trade increased from April to June compared with the second quarter of 2017, from 14 billion in 15.6 billion euros. Most of the network retailers was particularly important in clothing and footwear (9%), food, pharmacies and pets (15.4%) or in entertainment and entertainment. 39, electronic (15.5%). The data is based on the results of a consumer study.

+++ 11:50 am: Writer Tanja Maljartschuk wins the Bachmann Prize +++

Writer Tanja Maljartschuk received the 42nd Ingeborg Bachmann Award. The author, originally from Ukraine and residing in Vienna, received Sunday in Klagenfurt the honor of 25,000 euros for her text "Frogs in the Sea". In this one, Maljartschuk (born in 1983) addresses the disinterest of the younger generation for his elderly parents

German cabaret writer and entertainer Bov Bjerg wins the Deutschlandfunk prize, which is worth 12,500 euros.

The Ingeborg Bachmann The prize is awarded since 1977 in memory of the writer born in Klagenfurt Ingeborg Bachmann (1926-1973) and considered one of the most prestigious literary awards in the German-speaking countries.

+++ 11:29: Long-term rivals Ethiopia and Eritrea discuss peace + ++

For the first time in nearly 20 years, leaders of long-term rivals, Ethiopia and Eritrea, met for direct peace talks. Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed arrived in Asmara, the capital of the neighboring country, where he was received by Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki. Fitsum Arega, Chief of Staff of the Ethiopian Prime Minister, wrote on Twitter

Eritrea belonged to Ethiopia until its independence in 1993. Five years later a war breaks out between the two states, killing tens of thousands of people. The Algiers agreement put an end to the conflict in 2000. In order to resolve the border dispute, a commission of experts established a line of compromise that was not accepted. To date, countries are enemies and the situation on the border is tense.

+++ 11:20: Roskilde Festival: The singer of Gorillaz falls from the stage +++

C & # 39; s arrived at the last song on the big stage: At the end of the Roskilde Festival in Denmark, a singer of the British pop group Gorillaz fell from the high stage. The rapper with the stage name Del the Funkee Homosapien had to be hospitalized. The severity of his injuries was unknown at first. The band prematurely broke the concert on Sunday night.

About 100,000 visitors and 30,000 volunteers attended the Roskilde Festival for four days. The appearance of rapper Eminem Wednesday was according to the organizers with more than 100,000 spectators, the biggest concert in the history of the Roskilde Festival. Last night, Bruno Mars was on the famous Orange Stage, Nick Cave delighted the crowds Friday

+++ 10:55: Emmanuelle Seigner rejects Oscar Academy for Polanski +++

The French actress Emmanuelle Seigner wants to protesting the expulsion of her husband, Roman Polanski did not join the American Academy Academy. With sharp words, the 52-year-old man rejected the invitation of the Academy in an open letter, published in the French Sunday newspaper "The Sunday Journal". "This offensive proposition is the drop of water that has exceeded the barrel of my relative discretion," wrote Seigner.

+++ 8:08: A hang glider dies in an accident in Hesse +++

In Hesse is a 58 year old hang glider crashed and died. The man from North Rhine-Westphalia suffered in the accident on a meadow near Biebertal serious internal injuries, as the police said. He was then taken to the University of Giessen with a rescue helicopter, where he died early in the evening

Witnesses observed, according to police, that the man with his sports equipment was changed direction shortly after take-off. The criminal investigation

investigating the incident took place

+++ 7:39: 18,500 Turkish officials lose their jobs through a new decree +++


loses over 18,500 civil servants, through the intermediary of a published government, decide their work. The decree was published early in the morning in the Turkish Official Gazette, affecting about 9,000 police officers and 6,000 army employees, as well as academic staff. According to Turkish media, this decree is the last before the lifting of the state of emergency Monday.

18,632 officials were dismissed, including 1,000 employees of the Department of Justice

and 1945 of the Ministry of Education. In addition, the decree ordered the closure of twelve badociations, three newspapers and a television channel. On the other hand, 148 officials revoked by previous decrees were reinstated in the government

+++ 06h56: The number of victims following the bad weather in Japan rises to 65 +++

The number of people affected by violent thunderstorms in


killed increased to at least 65 years. Another 45 people were still missing, reported the NHK news channel. Four other people are in critical condition. The photos showed the bad consequences of the rain since Thursday: flooded streets, muddy houses, landslides.

The region around the Hiroshima megacity was particularly affected by heavy rains. Only there, 27 dead and 21 missing persons were reported. On the main island of Southwest, Shikoku, 19 people died. The number of victims could increase further. About 3.6 million people in 18 prefectures were asked to leave their homes, including 1.8 million in Hiroshima alone. Hundreds of homes were damaged and thousands of helpers were deployed, Kyodo News Agency reported.

+++ 06:04: The rescue mission for boys began in a cave in Thailand +++

The rescue effort of the boys trapped in a flooded cave in Thailand began. "Today is the day X," said the head of the rescue team, Narongsak Osottanakorn, to reporters near the cave. The boys are "ready to face any challenge". Previously, the authorities had already organized the evacuation of the area near the entrance to the cave, in which the twelve boys of a football team and their coach remained stuck. The area is needed for the rescue operation, police said. "From the badessment of the situation, we need the area to help the victims," ​​he said. The journalists gathered in front of the cave had to leave the area immediately.

Narongsak had previously stated that the conditions for a rescue attempt were "perfect" in terms of the water, weather and health of the boys. 04.18 Clock: A Bushfire Death in California +++

In case of intense heat and prolonged drought in California, thousands of firefighters fight a dozen bushfires. Hundreds of homes have been threatened by flames in the western coastal state. In many areas, residential areas have been evacuated. California Governor Jerry Brown has declared emergency status in vulnerable areas.

In northern California, near the Oregon border, firefighters hit a dead body in a burned house. The flames destroyed an area of ​​more than 88 square kilometers.

+++ 00:19: British policeman Nowitschok suspicion: the clinic gives the all-clear +++

In the case of an alleged Novichok poisoning in the hospital examined The British police gave everything to the clinic. The test was negative, said a spokesman for Salisbury District Hospital.

The officer was taken to Salisbury Hospital for special medical examinations after visiting a hospital in Swindon, some 65 kilometers away. A spokesman confirmed that a doctor from Amesbury had been admitted to the clinic last Saturday with poisoning in Nowitschok. Investigators badume that the 45-year-old man and his 44-year-old girlfriend accidentally came in contact with the deadly poison. They should continue to be in critical condition.

+++ 00:16: Survey: AfD reaches a record of 17% and is as strong as the SPD +++

The AfD is in a poll in the electorate has reached a record and is now as strong as the SPD for the first time. In the Sunday trend, which lifts the weekly Emnid polling institute for the "Bild am Sonntag", the AfD can gain three percentage points and now reaches 17 percent. This is the highest value of the holiday in the Sunday trend up to now. Since the SPD has two counters, it also reaches 17%.

Also CDU / CSU lose two points, only 30% of respondents would currently vote for the Union. In total, the grand coalition in the polls has only 47% and will therefore no longer have the majority in the Bundestag

The other parties of the opposition can not enjoy it. The Greens are as high as the previous week, 12 percent, the left and the FDP are back to 9 percent. The other parties represent 6 percent (plus 1).

For the Sunday trend, Emnid interviewed selected representative German citizens between June 28 and July 4, 1894.

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