News: Horst Seehofer, Lecture on Islam, Olaf Scholz, Donald Trump, Climate Protection


Islam does not belong in Germany Horst Seehofer once said and so upset many Muslims in the Republic. Before today Islam Conference Now the Minister of the Interior accepts another argument.

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Number 48/2018

How secret donations made the strength of right-wing populists

In a contribution to the FAZ, he enthused for "Islam in, for and for Germany". According to the wording, it is possible that there is an Islam belonging to Germany. And one wonders then: has the man changed in his opinion? Is this a special case of the Bavarian dialectic? Or is it just again – old Drehofer?

THE LOCATION – the summary of the compact news of the morning: updated and advised. Every morning (weekdays) at 6 o'clock. Order directly here:

The bear market of Trump

than Donald Trump shortly after its inauguration, taxes were reduced, the trades fly high. However, before today 's trading day, the mood is miserable, after the US President has recently threatened new tariffs against China and vilified the US auto giant. General Motors. Mary Barra, CEO, must absolutely put an end to plant closures and planned layoffs, he threatened, otherwise they would have "a problem". Formerly called the Trump Stock Exchange "the father of the boom", it's more than "the mess".

Vienna warns Moscow

Who wants to know if for the youngest Climbing in the Crimean conflict rather Russia or Ukraine is responsible, should investigate Vienna. Ironically, the Austrian government, which has always been particularly supportive of mosquitoes, has put in place new sanctions. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov met today with his Swiss counterpart in Geneva, but the sound has long been issued by the Foreign Minister of Vienna. Karin Kneissl at the wedding of which the Russian president danced in the summer. The conflict could become more dangerous, she said. Therefore, other measures should be "examined".

Kohlesession with Gundermann

A few days before Climate conference in Katowice is thought in many places today like the people Output of lignite in Brussels, where the European Commission presents a strategy on the subject; in Berlin, where the responsible environment committee meets. The experts should perhaps not only look at the financial aspects, but also bear in mind that the so-called inhospitable open pit mines were also home to many people. For example, the late composer and shovel operator GDR Gerhard Gundermann, which has recently been the subject of an impressive movie in cinemas. "I was a minor, I'm slowly walking around the area," he says in one of his songs, "the woman wants to get away, but I'm tied here".

Loser of the day …

… is Olaf ScholzHe has faced a lot of ridicule since burglars recently entered the house where his apartment is. And this, although the beautiful villa in the best residential area of ​​Potsdamer is kept at all times by the Brandenburg police. Today, the federal finance minister is discussing with his colleagues in the country the planned property tax reform, which will mainly affect real estate and expensive apartments located in the city center. No wonder Berlin now poses the following question: Will Scholz signal to potential imitators that his apartment will soon be empty?

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I wish you a good start to the day.

Your Michael Sauga

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