Niko Kovac at Bayern after the title of world champion


Finally, we had the impression that the crucial weeks of the football season had been scripted in Hollywood.

The crazy UEFA Champions League semi-final, the 33rd Matchday, gave the Bundesliga the long-awaited title duel at the end of the season – and even that fairytale end just as Franck Ribery and Arjen Robben record the last goals for the seventh consecutive title of Bayern allowed.

But football is not a cinema. One of the main actors of this truly extraordinary Bundesliga season is still waiting for its happy ending. Or even an end.

Niko Kovac, after the best second half of the club's history and a rare catch-up in the championship, still does not know if he will be FC Bayern's coach next season, is very difficult to explain with common sense.

"Having to send himself back as a coach, even if he succeeds, is already a new level, how should he continue?" Asked his colleague Dieter Hecking, Dieter Hecking, who must he too take his hat after finishing fifth in Borussia Mönchengladbach. In addition, Borussia was ninth last season. The increase in point yield and placement Hecking but also nothing helped.

The lack of an attractive game idea has more often been blamed by both coaches. There is a lack of confidence that coaches can lead an ambitious team even higher. What the heckling will be difficult to digest, Kovac is almost desperate.

Former national coach Berti Vogts has already said: "If I could cross the water, critics would say," He does not even know how to swim ".

Kovac's critique is not completely wrong. It is not surprising that Bayern does not adhere to the coaching philosophy of the coach, but in professional football, nothing special. Kovac will notably recruit his team when they leave the Champions League against Liverpool. But this can only be explained by hybris.

The champions of the record lost a match against the team that will participate in the final of the Champions League for the second year in a row and have offered Pep Guardiola and Manchester City an unprecedented duel in the Premier League. Oh yes, FC Barcelona beat them 4-0. Kovac's permanent defeat against Liverpool FC is an exaggeration.

Since the 2013 dream year, there is this distorted wait around Bayern, according to which only the triple is enough. A performance that the club has achieved once in over 120 years of history is becoming the new standard. That's what a coach has to bite his teeth.

There is no guarantee at this level. Pep Guardiola did not bring Bayern in the final of the Champions League (Manchester City, from elsewhere). Carlo Ancelotti did not survive. And even if they could lose Jürgen Klopp of Liverpool, they would not have reserved the place in the final.

Since it would only be appropriate to give the still relatively young coach, Kovac, a new chance to prove himself at the highest level. Saturday afternoon's events make it even more difficult for officials in Bavaria to explain a possible break-up. The fans were clearly engaged and the duties of each Bayern coach also allowed Kovac to win the title, despite difficult conditions.

"If you can finish a year of change with the championship, you can not worry about the future of Bayern," said President Uli Hoeness on Saturday.

In other words, if no one can break Bayern's series of titles this year, it certainly will not be in the years to come. This also indicates that Kovac bosses can not really fire now.

But what is already normal in these film weeks?

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