"No legal basis": the United States complains about retaliatory tariffs



  EU counter-tariffs are directed against Harley-Davidson motorcycles. The fact that the manufacturer now wants to relocate part of the production abroad, in turn, has exasperated President Trump

EU counter-tariffs are directed against Harley motorcycles Davidson. President Trump believes that the United States is at a disadvantage in trade. This is why it has also imposed punitive tariffs on products of friendly states. They are reacting with counter-rights – which the US is now complaining about at the WTO.

The United States has filed a complaint with the World Trade Organization (WTO). This is directed against many trading partners who have responded by applying retaliatory tariffs on US punitive tariffs on steel and aluminum. The EU, China, Canada, Mexico and Turkey are concerned by the complaint.

Punitive rights imposed by US President Donald Trump are "fully legal and justified" by US and international trade rules, said the United States. Trade Commissioner Robert Lighthizer. The United States had justified its tariffs with a threat to national security.

Total US $ 28.5 billion in retaliation fees imposed by the EU violated WTO rules. Countermeasures have no legal basis, according to Lighthizer. The allegation that US steel and aluminum rights are illegal measures to protect domestic producers is flawed.

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The United States would take all necessary measures to protect their interests. "We urge our trading partners to work constructively with us on the problems created by the mbadive and persistent overcapacity in the steel and aluminum sectors," said Mr Lightizer

. The EU, Canada and Mexico were delayed until early June. China imposed counter-tariffs in April, Turkey on June 21 and the EU on June 22 – including jeans, whiskey and motorcycles. Canada implemented retaliatory measures on July 1, Mexico, June 5.

The International Monetary Fund had warned that current trade conflicts represented the greatest threat to the world economy in the short term. Trump has already threatened with other new import surcharges, including European cars and Chinese goods worth $ 200 billion.

Source: n-tv.de

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