No new investigation into the death of Oury Jalloh


In the case of Sierra Leone's Oury Jalloh asylum seeker who was burned in a police cell, the preliminary investigation will not be reopened. This was announced Thursday by the Attorney General in Naumburg. The survivors' complaint against the closure of the proceedings was therefore rejected as unfounded.

Attorney General Jürgen Konrad said in a statement that there was no suspicion against police or other third parties. During the overall examination of all the information, nothing indicates that police officers or third parties lit the mattress in the prison cell of Dessau.

Assbadination of survivors of Oury Jalloh

After reviewing the records, it can not be excluded that Jalloh himself lit the mattress on which he was handcuffed and tied.

He died as a result of an inhalation thermal shock, which he caused – at least not refutable -.

Attorney General Jürgen Konrad

The thesis "Oury Jalloh – C & rsquo; was a murder" was a purely speculative conjecture, said the Attorney General. Survivors and supporters of the Jalloh family had always been murderers. As Attorney General Konrad said, there is no indication that Jalloh was killed for racist reasons. The insinuation of institutional racism was "irrelevant".

"Bitter hour" for parents

MP Henriette Quade (Die Linke) said the Attorney General's decision was "difficult to understand". Here again, the question arises as to whether the Attorney General is the right body to handle the case. According to the left, the Attorney General should be involved in the case. The left had repeatedly put on the agenda the death of Oury Jalloh and his work in the Landtag.

Green politician Sebastian Striegel said in a statement of "bitter hour" for relatives of Jalloh and those who had campaigned for 14 years against "mbadive resistance to a complete elucidation of the circumstances of death". AFD has said in front of the state parliament that it is hoped that the chapter is finally over. The "hysterical general suspicion of the left against our police" has once again proved irrelevant.

All verified files
The Attorney General's office in Naumburg has, according to its own information, examined all the records relating to the death of Oury Jalloh and summed them up in a report. This test was commissioned by the coalition of CDU, SPD and Greens. The investigators then examined for months whether the process defined last year could be reopened. Since Thursday, it is clear that this is not the case.

Oury Jalloh was burned on 7 January 2005 in a cell in the Dessau police station. The Magdeburg District Court fined the then-negligent service in 2012 for negligent homicide because it would have better monitored Jalloh.

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