Nordzucker is prepared for difficult times


Although Nordzucker's operating result (EBIT) increased to 154 million euros (previous year: 131 million) in the 2017/18 financial year, consolidated net income has further grown to 118 million euros (99 million). Nevertheless, the rapid fall in sugar prices has already weighed heavily on the fourth quarter of 2017/18. For the current exercise, the company is doing everything possible to avoid a loss.

The Chairman of the Board, Dr. med. Lars Gorissen, in his speech, explained the consistently good results based on the ratings of the previous fiscal year, but stressed: "It's now gone." With the end of the sugar regime, prices in the EU has dropped dramatically, it is not unexpected and we are well prepared, but times are hard in front of us. "

And further:" We will go through this low phase price because we have a solid financial position.The goal is to secure and expand the main EU markets and develop new markets in Europe and abroad. "

Even under the quota system, sugar beets remain the best fruits of the farms. The new contract beet growing systems were in high demand during the first non-quota season: the quantities were over-subscribed for the 2017/18 and 2018/19 seasons.

The prohibition of neonicotinoids is a challenge

Still in the field of organic beet growing, additional surfaces are under contract. However, the ban on neonicotinoids and the planned ban on other herbicides pose a challenge: Nordzucker requests a derogation for neonicotinoids in sugar beets and for the transitional periods of the herbicides mentioned in order to find alternatives.

At the General Meeting, the Management Board and the Supervisory Board were virtually unanimously released. Shareholders approved the proposed dividend of 1.20 euro per share by a very large majority. A total of about 58 million euros will be distributed.

At the end of the General Assembly, members of the Supervisory Board Jochen Bosse and Dr. Ing. Harald Isermeyer of the board of directors. Alexander Heidebroek (Gevensleben) and Bernd Schliephake (Rohrsheim) were recently elected to the Supervisory Board by a majority.

Dennis Nobbe

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