Noro virus: use on a cruise ship: 13 sick passengers arrive in Passau | Lower Bavaria | new


  Large-scale operation in Pbadau due to sick ship pbadengers | Image: BR / Katharina Häringer

The disaster aboard a Pbadau cruise liner was not as big as initially supposed. The alarm that more than 100 pbadengers complain of health problems, has not proved at the pier.

Each traveler examines

The doctors examined each pbadenger directly on board, so that only those who are really sick come to the hospital. The conclusion: There were 13 people suffering from vomiting, four had to be hospitalized. The numbers have now confirmed the police in Pbadau. Where pbadengers have caught the virus, we can not say.

Emergency doctor: "The virus spreads quickly"

Emergency physician Thomas Motzek-Noé said that it is entirely possible that initially only one pbadenger fell sick. "Where a lot of people are in a small space, a virus is spreading very quickly." Employees from the health department were also summoned.

In full protective suits, they cleaned the ship. Because the next group will embark this afternoon and begin their journey. Nobody wanted to comment on the incident of the ship's crew.

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