Now China goes to the offensive


  The movement of goods between the United States and China could be considerably slowed down by tariffs
The movement of goods between the United States and China could be mbadively disrupted by tariffs. © AFP / Eisele

The spiral of trade conflict continues to turn, and now China is taking mbadive countermeasures against punitive tariffs imposed by the United States. The People's Republic wants to introduce tariffs on US goods valued at $ 34 billion from tomorrow in the exchange of blows between the world's two largest economic powers, reports Reuters. China reacts to trade barriers in the United States: US President Donald Trump has announced new tariffs on goods from the Kingdom of the Middle East for the same amount Friday

Günther Oettinger, European Commissioner, said yesterday that the situation was not optimistic. to a trade war, "said the German at an event.He sees the Union too weak at the moment:" Europe must become capable of politics World. We are far from that, "said Oettinger, while China is trying to bring the EU on its side, pleading for a fight against Trump's protectionist line and a joint declaration.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel tries to calmly contribute to the debate. "It is worth trying to defuse this conflict so that it does not become a real war," the CDU chief said Wednesday during the debate on the budget in the Bundestag

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