Nowitschok poisoning: Briton died at the hospital


Authorities were investigating the murder, they said. Dawn Sturgess, 44, and her one – year – old friend Charlie Rowley from Amesbury, near Salisbury, were hospitalized last Saturday under life – threatening conditions. The investigators initially suspected that both had used contaminated drugs. The lab tests finally showed that both were poisoned by Nowitschok.

"It's a shocking news," said Neil Basu, head of the British antiterrorist unit. "Dawn is leaving her family, including three children, and our thoughts and prayers are with them in this difficult time." British Prime Minister Theresa May said she was "shocked and shocked" by the death of this 44-year-old man.

of the Skripal attack?

The neurotoxin poisoned former Russian secret agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter in Salisbury in March. The investigators badume that the now poisoned British couple have been in contact with the remains of Novitschok, which could have been left to the badbadination attempt of Skripal and his daughter. It is not excluded that other people may come in contact with the poison as long as the contaminated object is not found.

Skripal and her daughter were found unconscious in Salisbury on March 4 and were hospitalized for weeks thereafter. The British government blames Russia for the poison attack – Nowitschok was manufactured in the Soviet Union. Moscow rejects the allegations vehemently. The case has led to a deep rift between Russia and Britain. The recent Nowitschok affair has tightened the tension now.

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