NRZ: The boss of ThyssenKrupp steals, what should the employees think? – by MANFRED LACHNIET | message


Essen (ots) – How Should Employees Feel When
The boss is now fleeing directly from the company? You can be well
Imagine that after Heinrich's sudden change of heart
Hiesinger among the employees of Thyssenkrupp the agitation is great.
Especially in the steel sector, the last months of uncertainty
invented. Only in the last days was the merger with the
The Indian company Tata is sealed. This farewell to steel has
Hammered through Hiesinger and so changed the group. Everybody
believed, therefore, that Hiesinger continues and shapes his work
would be. What he's doing so amazingly does not bode well
suspect. If things go wrong, big shareholders spin the net
Group and sell items profitably
everybody. Investors in Scandinavia and the United States are doing well
Considerations are not to be expected. And also the
The Krupp Foundation seems more likely to be on the sidelines than the cohesion of
S interest in traditional businesses. Some people wonder, what's the point
Berthold Beitz said to the bustle … Unfortunately, the
Cultural change also for state policy: Prime Minister Laschet
Although sits on the supervisory board of the Krupp Foundation, but holds until now
elegant back. The capital side is now free. On the road
no one has a long-term model of employee involvement
more of an interest. It's an incision for our area.
Council Member Hiesinger goes away; employees have to look at what the
Bearing the future

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