NSU Ralf Wohlleben arms buyer is free | TIME ONLINE


Munich (dpa) – The arms buyer for the "National Socialist clan", Ralf Wohlleben, was released from prison. He left Stadelheim prison in Munich on Wednesday morning, a prison spokeswoman said.

Where the 43-year-old man was after his release was initially unclear. Security authorities expect him to move to Sachsen-Anhalt .

In the lawsuit NSU Wohlleben was sentenced to ten years in prison last Wednesday. The Higher Regional Court found him guilty of complicity in murder. The federal prosecutor in Karlsruhe accused the former NDP leader of organizing the NSU "Ceska" weapon. Later, neo-Nazi terrorists shot dead nine people.

Wohlleben had been detained more than six and a half years ago because of the danger he was running from and thus escaped the NSU trial. His lawyers filed a lawsuit against the arrest warrant. Tuesday was canceled, the court said.

From the judges' point of view, there is no longer any danger that Wohlleben can escape and thus stay out of any future proceedings. They argue, according to a spokesman, above all, that he would have a maximum of three years and four months in jail. The Federal Prosecutor's Office also, had no objection.

The Magdeburg Ministry of the Interior has informed on request that Wohlleben's wife and her children live in Saxony-Anhalt. The authorities were preparing Wohlleben himself to settle in the state. Saxony-Anhalt is in close coordination with federal and state security authorities. Further details, including the exact place of residence of the Wohlleben family, were not mentioned by the Ministry.

The verdict of the NSU trial is still not final. Among the other lawyers Wohlleben had announced that the decision of the Federal Court in Karlsruhe to consider. If the verdict was valid, Wohlleben should take his rest. This or a part of it could be suspended.

The federal prosecutor also accused Wohlleben of knowing what the NSU terrorists Uwe Mundlos and Uwe Böhnhardt wanted to use. Wohlleben had always denied the allegations. He had given the bearer of the weapon only on request a tip. The prosecution had claimed twelve years in prison for helping murder in nine cases. His supporters described him as innocent and demanded acquittal.

After more than five and a half years of NSU trials, the court sentenced the lead defendant Beate Zschäpe to life imprisonment for murder ten times. He also noted the particular gravity of the fault – so that an early release is legally possible after 15 years, in practice, but almost impossible. The accomplices of Zschäpe, Mundlos and Böhnhardt were shot dead on 4 November 2011 following a bank robbery in Eisenach.
The co-defendant Holger G. had been sentenced to three years imprisonment, André E. to two years and six months and Carsten S. to three years of juvenile sentence. The Federal Prosecutor's Office appealed the judgment against André E. Several defense lawyers such as Zschäpe and the co-plaintiff's lawyers had also announced that they would consider the decision of the Federal Court of Justice.

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