Odelzhausen: the crane rolls on the A8: recovery continues in the evening – Nachrichten Friedberg


1 hour ago

Serious accident on the A8 towards Stuttgart. A 45-ton truck crane has returned. Motorists must continue to face handicaps.

On the A8 towards Stuttgart, a serious accident occurred between Odelzhausen and the stop Adelzhauser Berg-Nord. Around noon, a 45 ton mobile crane sank on Friday. According to witnesses, the agitated steering movement of the driver caused the crane to skid, overturned twice and sided laterally in the area of ​​the right lane and the adjacent slope.

The driver was stuck and injured. However, as the police said Saturday morning, the injuries are not as severe as originally thought. The man is cared for in a hospital

Accident in Odelzhausen: Two out of three lanes are pbadable

Several fire brigades and the Dachau Technical Relief Organization were used for recovery. The traffic jammed on Friday for several hours over several kilometers. According to police information, the recovery work continued until 2 am, but could not be completed. According to police, two out of three lanes are pbadable.

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The work of recovery should continue Saturday night. According to police, two lanes will be blocked from 9 pm and traffic will be bypbaded at the scene of the accident. From 23 hours should then be started with the actual rescue. To do this, the motorway towards Stuttgart is completely closed for one to two hours. According to the police, traffic will be diverted to Odelzhausen

According to the police, the damage to the mobile crane is about 55,000 euros and the highway infrastructure of about 25,000 euros. (AZ)

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