Oil spill: leak contaminates the Gulf of Mexico with tons of oil


In 2004, a hurricane sank an oil rig and since then between 36,000 and 83,000 liters of oil have been dumped into the sea – daily, according to the Washington Post. 424 million liters of oil could have contaminated the Gulf of Mexico in the last 14 years. Taylor Energy had to respond and reach an agreement with the US government.

Oil continues to flee on 28 open oil wells

In 1998, oil company Taylor Energy purchased the "23051" oil rig off the American coast of Louisiana. Six years later, Hurricane Ivan cut the platform. As a result, 100,000 liters of oil entered the sea. But the biggest problem was 28 oil wells that have been cleared and are still fleeing.

Authorities were aware of the damage, although they could not measure the extent of it, but left the public in the dark for a long time, according to the Washington Post. Until ecologists in 2010 discover visible traces of oil. Over time, the government, Taylor Energy and the public became aware of the danger of the leak.

Taylor Energy is guilty

In an agreement with the US government, Taylor Energy has pledged $ 666 million to lift the damage and put an end to the leak. But the repairs that the company has made, according to the "Washington Post", have nothing – continue to run down the water. 36,000 to 83,000 liters a day. Government officials predict that the leak could pollute the sea for another ten years.

Taylor Energy is trying to free itself from debt and is claiming $ 450 million from the deal with the US government. The leak was due to a "case of force majeure". Compared to the "Washington Post", the company did not comment on the allegations. The company had argued in the past that there was no evidence that oil wells were still being depleted.

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