According to a report "image", Erdogan want"/>

Özdemir and AfD criticize Erdogan's plans for visiting


| Recep Tayyip Erdogan “/>   Recep Tayyip Erdogan

According to a report "image", Erdogan wants to come to Berlin for a visit of the state official during his visit to Berlin scheduled for the end of September. Photo: Burhan Ozbilici

Source: dpa-infocom GmbH

B erlin (dpa) – Green Party politician Cem Özdemir and AfD criticized the President's planned state visit Turkish Recep Tayyip Erdogan in September in Germany. [19659008] Erdogan was "not a normal president in a democracy" and so should not be so received, Özdemir told the media spark group newspapers (Sunday). One can not always choose his guests, but he must be "clearly clear that the attempt to build here parallel fundamentalist structures turco-nationalist will not be tolerated."

Alice Weidel, president of the AFD group, rejects completely this visit , According to the German press agency, "the bold instrumentalization of footballer Mesut Özil" after his resignation from the German national team "does not give any reason" to an invitation. On the other hand, the "hate campaign with which Erdogan and his clique have put Germany uncovered during the Özil debate" in favor of that.

It is also "ruled out that Erdogan may withdraw another propaganda show in Berlin to withdraw from Weidel continued to argue that it was inciting the citizens and residents of our country against the country." Germany and the German company. "" Performances such as Erdogan's Kölner Rede, in which he called the badimilation "crime" and called the Turks in Germany to exert influence in Germany as the fifth column of its policy, but not adapting to our values ​​and our law, can never be repeated, "she said and added," Mr. Erdogan should stay home. "

Erdogan wants to make an "official" report Saturday of the Samsatag during the visit scheduled for late September in Berlin for a visit to the state official.The usual grand protocol includes a reception by the Federal President with military honors and a banquet of 39. State According to the newspaper, Erdogan also wants to speak to compatriots in an event.

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