Palma: Yet another alert jellyfish in front of Mallorca – Portuguese galleys very poisonous spotted | new


  ARCHIVE - 20.02.2017, Spain, Maspalomas: A jellyfish of the Portuguese galley type. Off Mallorca, Portuguese galleys were seen after several weeks of rest. The very toxic jellyfish had already caused a sensation on the island of holidays at the end of May. (to dpa "New jellyfish alert: Portuguese galleys spotted in front of Mallorca" from 02.07.2018) Photo: Sabrina Hentschel / dpa central image / dpa +++ dpa broadcasting +++ | Image: dpa-Bildfunk / Sabrina Hentschel "title =" ARCHIVE - 20.02.2017, Spain, Maspalomas: A jellyfish of the Portuguese galley type. Off Mallorca, Portuguese galleys were seen after several weeks of rest. The very toxic jellyfish had already caused a sensation on the island of holidays at the end of May. (to dpa "New jellyfish alert: Portuguese galleys spotted in front of Mallorca" from 02.07.2018) Photo: Sabrina Hentschel / dpa central image / dpa +++ dpa broadcasting +++ | Image: dpa-Bildfunk / Sabrina Hentschel "src =" "/>
<p clbad= Portuguese galleys have been sighted off the coast of Mallorca. On Sunday, a specimen was found near Calvia in southwestern Majorca, Majorcan media reported. According to the "Mallorca Magazine", rescuers had to bring several bathers from the sea to the beach on Saturday in Portals Vells, at the southern tip of the Balearic Islands, after a Portuguese galley should have been swimming in the water.

Dangerous contact with the Portuguese galley

For a short time, the red flag was hoisted on the beach, he said. The Portuguese galley (Physalia physalis) is actually not a jellyfish, but a colony of giant polyps in which each individual badumes a specific task. With a bluish-tinged body and tentacles up to 50 meters long, she is moving in the oceans – and anyone who comes into contact with her is suffering from intense pain. For humans, however, an encounter with the cnidarian animal is rarely fatal.

The plague of jellyfish in hot summers

Jellyfish plagues occur again and again in hot summers in Europe. This is partly due to global warming, which is causing changes in the Mediterranean ecosystem and also affecting European beaches. Jellyfish love salt and hot water. And in recent years, the sea has warmed.

Another cause is the overfishing of the seas. The natural enemies of the jellyfish are increasingly eradicated and alien species can multiply undisturbed.

What can be done about this?

  • Do not go in the water.
  • If you have been in contact with a poison jellyfish, leave the water immediately. Neutralize the nettle capsules with plenty of vinegar (maximum five percent acid) or remove them with sand. Another method: spray on the shaving cream and scrape the nettle capsules and the foam of the leg with a blunt object (knife back).
  • Go to the doctor if you have severe pain or circulatory problems. [1965] be a dangerous plague. They are found both in local lakes, in Scandinavia as well as in the coastal areas of the Mediterranean. Algae mats are not only ugly, but sometimes dangerous.

    One of the reasons for the immigration of exotic species is the heavy maritime traffic. Freight and pbadenger vessels collect ballast water and therefore crayfish, seaweed or jellyfish. Later, they drain water in the Mediterranean. The result: the Mediterranean ecosystem is increasingly confused by foreigners. High temperatures bring more flowers and blue-green algae to bloom. The "Nodularia spumigena" increases explosively in the heat. Venomous algae like "Ostreopsis ovata", "Gymnodinium" and bacteria multiply in hot water. The poisoning and irritation of the skin are the consequences.

    What can be done about this?

    • Avoid water contaminated by algae. Take the bathing bans seriously.
    • See the doctor as soon as signs of illness appear
    • You should not eat Ligurian fish and seafood if they are contaminated with algae

    Thorny sea urchin

    Meeting holiday in any time. Its spines can measure more than 30 centimeters and come off easily. Other species have only a small sting, but are poisonous. If you come across a sea urchin, you may experience local pain, swelling, and redness.

    What can you do?

    • Wear swim shoes
    • Do not touch sea urchins. with tweezers and disinfect the wound. The deep thorns must be removed by a doctor and, if necessary, x-rays must be taken
    • Regular vaccination against tetanus

    Rare guests

    Dangerous predatory fish in the Mediterranean: they exist! They are rare and uninvited, but all guests more spectacular: barracudas and white sharks. Due to the warming of the oceans, barracudas, tropical predatory fish, have always felt at home on the Italian coast in recent years.

    What can be done about this?

    • Those who do not want to give up swimming should not go too far from the beach while bathing.
    • Do not enter the water with injuries. White sharks are not the deadly beasts that the film world likes to portray. But you can risk a bite test – with strong paddle movements and injuries.
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