Panorama: 30 years gets bigger – then find doctors something shocking


A young American had to go to the hospital for severe stomach ailments. Then the doctors found an ovarian cyst of about 23 kilograms. A similar story in the video above: The doctors are surprised that they come out of a man's belly.

Kayla Rahn suffered from inexplicable stomach ache and shortness of breath for several months and was increasing. In May, she was released from the terrible pain – doctors removed an ovarian cyst from almost 23 pounds during surgery.

Stomach problems have greatly affected their daily lives, [Ran] . "I could not even walk to my car without being out of breath."

Doctors told the 30-year-old man to lose weight. But that did not work: "I've been trying to lose weight for a year now, but I've continued to increase."

She was even approached by strangers in a restaurant and asked if she was expecting twins. "It was frustrating and hard" she told the station

The pain got worse over time and no matter what Rahn tried, nothing helped. So, her mother took her to the emergency room of the nearby hospital.

After some research, the shocking diagnosis came: A huge cyst formed on its ovaries. Rahn should be operated immediately.

"I remember crying when I talked to my mother," said the 30-year-old man. She had long thought that something was wrong.

The hospital doctor, Gregory Jones,
also said that she did not seem surprised when the diagnosis happened: "She was not shocked or scared – "

The doctor confirmed that the ovarian cyst was harmless – he had already seen cysts, but not in this size.

An ovarian cyst (cyst of the ovary) Ovarian) is a sacral tumor on the ovary

. It is filled with a thin or viscous content. Ovarian cysts are mostly benign. They are usually discovered by chance during a gynecological examination. Functional cysts usually cause no pain and disappear on their own. This is only when a cyst bursts that it becomes dangerous This manifests itself in intense pain and must be removed surgically.

How long Rahn has had this cyst is not clear. But she feels better now. At home, a few days after the operation, she would have tried old clothes that she had not worn for a year – now she can wear it all again.

With her story, she now wants to encourage others to listen to her body. It is important to never give up.

Her doctor agrees: "She was with several doctors and no one discovered the cyst." According to Jones, everyone should seek help if they feel that something is wrong and that doctors are listening.


This article was written by HuffPost / mazi

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