Parliament: Mays Brexit plans attacked from all sides


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  Johnson in the House of Commons   Johnson in the House of Commons

Johnson in the House of Commons

Source: PRU / AFP / Archive

Johnson s 39 installs with Prime Minister G British Prime Minister Theresa May has problems with her Brexit plan, which is disputed in her own ranks. Former Foreign Minister Boris Johnson counted Wednesday in his first speech after resigning in May and accused him of making Britain the "economic vbadal" of the EU. At the same time, conservative members and Brexit extremists in favor of Europe exacerbate the pressure on May, who narrowly escaped defeat in the recent Brexit vote in parliament. May pursues a "Brexit only in name," said Johnson, who was flanked in his speech by eurosceptic members of the Tories. Instead of implementing the "glorious vision" of Brexit, the government's policy is "as if a veil of doubt has been dispelled."

However, it is not too late to save Brexit, said Johnson. If the Prime Minister corrects his course, she can still "make a big Brexit for Britain". "We have to try it now because we will not have a second chance to do it right."

May was not present at the lower house during Johnson's speech. The former foreign minister and prominent figures of Brexit would have ambitions for the post of prime minister. Johnson resigned on July 9 to protest Brexit's May plan, which continues to forge close ties with the EU.

Prime Minister presses on pro-European conservatives and divorce advocates Shortly after winning two parliamentary votes on talks Monday and Tuesday on future trade relations with Brussels.

Before the vote on Monday night, May had to accept two eurosceptic amendments from his party to get their support. It was the imposition of customs duties by the United Kingdom for the EU, if the EU does the same for Britain, as well as for a United Kingdom. VAT different from the EU.

This should considerably complicate the negotiations with Brussels. The parliament finally voted 318 votes to 285 for the text of the government

. The concessions, however, have caused mbadive inconvenience on the part of pro-European conservatives. Defense Minister Guto Bebb resigned to protest later in the evening.

On Tuesday, pro-European MPs presented their own amendment to Parliament, which would have allowed Britain to remain in a customs union with the EU.

The lower house rejected the amendment by a very slim majority of 307 votes against 301. Opponents of the motion argued that it had "severely restricted" the "independent commercial policy" of the # 39; after-Brexit.

The entire bill on trade relations pbaded in the House of Commons Tuesday with 317 votes against 286 and went to the House of Lords, before being submitted again to the lower house for final vote

Faced with the upheavals of the government, former Prime Minister Tony Blair a second referendum on Brexit. The current political situation is a "total chaos" and can only be solved by a second vote, the AFP news agency said on Tuesday. Nevertheless, he showed sympathy for May: she has "the least enviable job of Western politics".

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