Parliament: the parliamentary elections in Cambodia began


I Cambodia began its parliamentary elections on Sunday. All polling stations would have been open the next eight hours at 07:00 (local time, 02:00 CEST), said the spokesman of the National Elections Committee, Dim Sovannarum, AFP's news agency. . More than eight million citizens are called to vote, because the seats in the parliament of politicians of 20 parties are in competition. However, the victory of the Cambodian People's Party (CPP) by Prime Minister Hun Sen was accepted.

Hun Sen, who had been in power since the fall of the Khmer Rouge 33 years ago, dissolved the largest opposition party. The United States and the EU consider the parliamentary elections illegal and refuse to send election observers.

The government accuses the opposition National Cambodia Relief Party (CNRP) of planning its overthrow as part of a conspiracy with the United States. and international organizations. The opposition called for a boycott of parliamentary elections. Electoral authorities have declared that such an appeal amounts to a crime.

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