Part – WKN 549336: Hypoport's share decreases by 0.9%


Hypoport share: News on current price developments

FrankfortSlight disappointment among investors in the Hypoport-Share. At present, the stock of the financial services provider is slightly down to EUR 181.00, a barely perceptible deterioration of 0.88% compared to the previous day.

Commerzbank left the rankings for Hypoport after detailed figures for nine months, with a target price of 211 euros. The credit platform is supporting the group's profit growth, badyst Michael Dunst said Monday in a first reaction. He badumes that the conference call will confirm the objective of operating income of 29 to 34 million euros for the entire year. Dunst itself expects to 31.1 million euros.

The value is in SDax with 0.88 percent minus the worst values. The stock certificate is currently at the 48th position in the lower third of SDax. Currently, the SDax records 11,272 points (minus 0.44%). As a result, Hypoport shares outperformed the index.

Theme: Market Reports

With a price of 185.80 euros, the certificate of action was launched in trading on Monday 05.11.2018 and reached, meanwhile, a daily high of 185.80 euros.

The share of the Hypoport is 11.7% lower at the peak of 52 weeks of the year, or 205.00 euros. It was reached on September 25, 2018. The minimum of 52 weeks comes from February 6, 2018 and raises to 115.00 euros.

With a turnover of 0.84 million euros, the stock rises at 11:00. At that time, the day before, securities worth € 0.5 million had been negotiated. The record for the Hypoport action is 205.00 euros and was reached on 25 September 2018. The historical minimum is 4.01 euros (as of February 20, 2009).

Analyst Comments (via dpa-afx)

25/10/2018 Commerzbank leaves hypoport on hold – target of 211 euros
Commerzbank left the rankings for Hypoport according to the preliminary figures on "Hold" with a target price of 211 euros. The operating profit (EBIT) of the financial services provider in the third quarter was slightly below expectations, said badyst Michael Dunst in a study released Thursday. The badyst, however, indicates his forecast of results for the entire year./mf/ajx Date of the badysis: 25.10.2018 Note: Information on the communication obligations in case of conflict of interests within the meaning of Article 85 (1) of the WpHG Law, Article 20 VO (EU) 596/2014 for the mentioned house of badysis, you can find under http: / /

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