Pests – All About Ticks – Knowledge


There are a lot of ticks this year. But is every animal turn dangerous and what diseases do they transmit? The most important questions and answers

Ticks are not insects but belong to mites, which in turn are attributed to arachnids. Animals do not bite, but sting – at least in the language of scientists. And they do not rush on hikers, but rather on crawlers. What else you should know about ticks, TBE and Lyme disease.

When is the tick season?

Ticks become active at a temperature of eight degrees Celsius. Therefore, the season can start in the winter and reach until the end of the fall. However, the biggest risk is a tick bite in the summer, when people spend a lot of time outdoors and give the animals a lot of skin. For this year, researchers predict a particularly high risk: "We will have the greatest number of ticks in the last ten years," says Gerhard Dobler of the Institute of Microbiology of the Bundeswehr in Munich. In his model calculations, he includes, among others, temperatures and food supply for wild animals, which are important for tick survival.

Where to find ticks?

Ticks are present everywhere in Germany. The most common is the common wood buck, which is on the grbad, leaves or bushes. From there, the mite hangs by pbading people or animals and looks at their body in peace and tranquility a suitable place to sting. The sting itself is not dangerous and hardly felt, as ticks secrete a numbing secretion. It is decisive for health if the blood meal will excite the pathogens.

What diseases are transmitted where?

Ticks all over Germany can transmit bacteria that cause Lyme disease. A typical sign is a spot that spreads outward in a ring and is called "Wandering Tooth". However, this does not necessarily happen. Other signs are flu-like symptoms. Later, pathogens can attack joints and various organs, including the brain. Lyme disease can be treated with antibiotics. The situation is complicated when people attribute non-specific pain, fatigue and memory problems to a tick bite that has been previously recorded or not documented at all. The diagnosis is then very difficult to make, especially since the antibody test alone is not very reliable. More rarely, ticks transmit viruses that can trigger meningoencephalitis (TBE) early in the summer. If symptoms occur, they are initially similar to those of an influenza. In rare cases, subsequent inflammation of the brain or meninges may occur, which is manifested by disturbances of consciousness and coordination or paralysis. Currently, TBE pathogens are mainly transmitted in the southern federal states. The danger is less than many lay people suppose. Because for a disease to break out, it takes a lot of things. A tick must stab. How often does this happen is not known exactly. According to a survey conducted in children's gardens in southern Germany, less than 30% of children are stung each year. The tick must carry pathogens. Again, this is not always the case. A maximum of 30 percent of all ticks carry pathogens of Lyme disease. TBE viruses are rare even in ticks in high-risk areas: they contain at most 5%. The tick must transmit the pathogen. But in the case of Lyme disease, it is a long-term endeavor. It is only after one to two days of sucking the blood that the animal spits the bacteria into the human circulation. It is therefore quite easy to discover and remove the tick in time. On the other hand, TBE pathogens can be transmitted soon after the sting. The human must be sick. In fact, many infections are asymptomatic or so slight that they are not noticed. It is therefore rare that all these conditions are fulfilled. In 2017, 485 cases of FSME were registered throughout Germany. For Lyme disease, there are no figures at the national level. Bavaria has the duty to register. According to the study, about 3,500 people in the state became sick in 2017.

How to Protect Against Ticks

Tick sprays can keep animals away for about two hours. High-stemmed shoes and long pants can also protect. In addition, the whole body should be searched for ticks after a stay in the wild.

Who should be vaccinated?

Only against the TBE virus there is a vaccine. It is recommended for all people living, working or vacationing in a designated risk area. Health insurance covers the costs for the inhabitants of the affected regions. In total, three syringes are needed; they protect for three to five years. The first two doses are obtained at intervals of about one to three months.

How to remove a tick?

It is recommended to push a narrow object between the skin and the tick. There are special cards or tweezers for this. In addition, a normal tweezers with inward sloping ends and, if necessary, sharp nails can be used. Then the tick is slowly removed. Thereafter, the wound must be disinfected. If the trunk of the tick is left, it is not dramatic. There is no danger of infection from him; it can be removed later by a doctor. In contrast, the body of the tick should not be crushed, otherwise you risk pushing pathogens into the wound. In addition, the animals should not be attacked with oil, alcohol, glue or any other, this has the effect that the stressed parasites vomit into the wound and thus transmit Pathogens.

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