Pier in Berlin: Thousands demonstrate for rescue – Berlin


Initiatives for refugees on Saturday called for nationwide protests for sea rescue in the Mediterranean. The initiative "pier" wanted to put a sign "against the obstruction and criminalization of civil relief organizations".

According to the police, several thousand people demonstrated peacefully in Berlin. The organizers counted more than 12,000 people in Berlin and hundreds of participants in other German cities such as Hanover, Bremen and Heidelberg. On their banners, participants demanded "safe havens" and the end of death in the Mediterranean. Some also called for the resignation of Federal Minister of the Interior Horst Seehofer (CSU). "S tatt to recognize solidarity among the population, Seehofer tries to continue to criminalize the maritime rescue," wrote the organizers of the demos in an appeal.

The actions are directed against the EU asylum policy

The actions are directed in particular against the harsh action of the EU states towards the distress rescuers. Civilian Sea Rescuers had been banned several times in recent weeks creating their ships. The aid ship "Lifeline" of the humanitarian organization "Mission Lifeline" of Dresden could land in Malta only after a one-day odyssey, and several governments accuse rescuers of illegality.

Even though the number of refugees arriving in Europe via the so-called Mediterranean route, according to the International Organization for Migration (IOM), is decreasing, more than 1,400 people have already died this year in an attempt to cross the Mediterranean about strange.

As a result of a crisis that was brewing in the Union, the German government recently adopted an "asylum reorganization package" which provides for the speeding up of the procedures of the European Union. 39, asylum and the introduction of transit procedures for refugees who have already applied for asylum. wants. Earlier, the heads of government agreed on a unified refugee policy at a European summit.

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