Pistorius rejects allegations of cover-up in Bamf scandal


| Boris Pistorius (SPD) "/>

Boris Pistorius (SPD), Minister of the Interior of Lower Saxony, expresses it at a press conference in the parliament of L & # 39; Photo: Holger Hollemann / Archives

Source: dpa-infocom GmbH

Lower Saxony's Minister of the Interior, Pistorius, is said to have known very early the magnitude of the Bamf scandal in Bremen He protects himself against the allegations However, the letters of the ministry have probably not been treated properly.

H annover (dpa) – The Minister of the Interior of Lower Saxony, Boris Pistorius (SPD) dismissed the branch of the Federal Office for Refugees in Bremen as part of the scandal of asylum applications, responding to reports by Bild am Sonntag and Münchner. Merkur, "according to which he received a record in the summer of 2017 with details of the events at the field office, but did not react. At the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (Bamf), asylum notices were positively decided in around 1,200 cases. The Public Ministry of Hanover confirmed on Sunday at the request of dpa that Pistorius had received on June 26, 2017 on the official mail account an email from the former MP Michaela Engelmeier. Since Pistorius was on vacation at that time, he had sent the mail to his house a few hours later. "It's the usual procedure," he says. According to the "Münchner Merkur", there were verbal agreements, chat stories and e-mails between an employee of Bamf and Engelmeier and each other. you and Pistorius. The minister told Mercury: "I was on vacation and sent Ms. Engelmeier's mail to my home. This is the usual procedure. After the leave, the procedure was "usually" presented again. "Unfortunately, that was not done in this case, it's very annoying," says Pistorius, "He certainly has no interest in hiding anything."

It was obvious that the media were not interested in "covering," as the department's written opinion baderted, quite the contrary: Mr. Pistorius was known to have initiated the review of noteworthy events at the Bremen of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees in September 2016 by his letter to Mr Weise (then CEO of Bamf, Frank-Jürgen Weise) 19659009] There have been a lot of reactions from the FDP, from the point of view of view of who a parliamentary commission of inquiry becomes even more urgent. "The hypocrisy of some actors in the Bamf scandal is incredible. It is once again clear that he has not lacked knowledge, but that he is ready to act. We find ourselves in a hurry that the Bamf scandal must be intensely enlightened. The Greens and the Left should reconsider their attitude, "said the deputy chairman of the FDP faction in the Bundestag, Stephan Thomae

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