PlayStation Plus – New in May 2019: free games will be unveiled tomorrow


Tomorrow, Sony will announce which new free games are included in PlayStation Plus. In contrast, the unveiling of games for the Asian and Japanese markets has already taken place. We still do not know if we can count on the same games.

New free games for PlayStation Plus will be announced this time in early May. Members of the paid subscription should wait a little longer this month. The official announcement of the new games will take place tomorrow, Wednesday, May 1, 2019 at 17:30.

However, Sony Interactive Entertainment has already revealed next month's new games via Asian and Japanese PlayStation blogs.

PlayStation Plus

PlayStation Plus
The new games may seem to have fled, initially confirmed for Asia and Japan

PS Plus in May 2019 (Asian market)

These games are available on PS Plus in May (Asia):

PS Plus in May 2019 (Japanese market)

These games are available on PS Plus in May (Japan):

  • Metal Gear Survive (PS4)
  • Darksiders: Hot Edition (PS4)

However, it is still unclear whether Euro subscribers will also expect these games. There may be completely different titles in this country, which can be downloaded for free as a member in your library on PlayStation 4.

PS Plus Program: we know it on the offer

The subscription to PlayStation Plus is essential for those seeking to get the most out of their PlayStation 4. Namely, subscribers expect several features that are reserved exclusively for them.

More information on PS Plus is also available here.

"If you're a member of PlayStation Plus, you can expect great benefits, including your multiplayer experience.Access to all online games is only possible with a current subscription, without you can not compete on official servers with your friends and opponents.

In addition, you can expect cloud storage that, among other things, protects your backups at any time and protects you from loss. In addition, there are exclusive offers for all members on the PlayStation Store, as well as for the aforementioned free games. But beware: free games will soon be available only on PS4, not PS3 and PS Vita. "

So that you always know what titles are in the respective month at PS Plus, we regularly update our news of the year 2019:

PlayStation Plus

PlayStation Plus
Free PS Plus games for 2019 in the news

Become a PS Plus member now! *

© Sony Interactive Entertainment

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