Pokémon GO recruits new Raid bosses and releases fan favorites


There are new Raid bosses in Pokémon GO! These are ideal counterparties for Kyogre, but many players do not have an important boss.

What are these bosses? Now that Kyogre has returned to the Raids, there are now more new raid leaders. They are all good against Kyogre and many can be brilliant.

These strengths are: There are not many highlights this time. After a long time, Bisaflor returns to the raids.

The distance from Burmy is less good. Many players like doing this 1-Star-Raid and now there is no chance.

These are the raid patterns for the Kyogre event

Raid Boss
All these bosses are here this time
RAID level Pokémon
Level 1 Raid (red egg) Mareep
Level 2 Raid (red egg) Mawile
Level 3 Raid (yellow egg) Tangela
Raid level 4 (yellow egg) Absol
Raid level 5 (black egg) kyogre

Players miss this: In the Raid Boss with Cresselia, there was always a 1-Raid in the 3 forms of Burmy. This was well received, especially because the Burmy in the Sand Cloak was popular because it was extremely rare outside the Raids.

Now that the raids are gone and all the players who have not gotten enough Burmy have to hope for wild appearances.

Which bosses are worth it? There are currently many Pokémon electro and plant type. After all, they are effective against Kyogre, who is currently participating in legendary raids.

Kyogre relaunches title
There are many good counterattacks against Kyogre

In the raids, we have some preliminary developments of good counterparts. This is particularly true for Magnetilo, Elektek and Tangela, as their subsequent developments are good counterpoints to Kyogre.

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These patterns can be brilliant: The list of possible brilliance of the raids is also long. Here you can find dazzling shapes:

  • Mareep
  • Magnemite
  • Lotad
  • Sheinux
  • Mawile
  • Alola-Raichu
  • Alola-Marowak
  • Absol
  • kyogre

How long are the bosses? Current raid patrons also risk getting out of the raid with the disappearance of Kyogre. Kyogre only stays until June 27 at 10pm. After that comes Groudon.

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