Police clear protest camp of lignite miners TIME ONLINE


Police cleared a camp of lignite miner demonstrators near the Hambach Forest. Officials began dissolving militant sit-ins and transporting the protesters. Use on an earlier sports field lasted the night. About a third of the more than 100 activists had already voluntarily left Kerpen-Manheim camp, a police spokeswoman said. There is no greater resistance to expulsion.

Previously, it was said that the tent camp was built on a RWE site without the consent of the energy company RWE. RWE had filed a criminal complaint. Activists are threatened with intrusion. The police spokeswoman pointed out that the construction of the camp was "illegal".

The police had gathered several hundred people. According to the police, the protesters were offered permission to leave the larger camp tents so that they could not rebuild them elsewhere.

Protesters from the action group "End of the Field" want to leave the protest camp new actions against the extraction of coal. It was possible to block rails, driveways or excavators to cut power plants from the coal supply.

There were already conflicts on the location of the camp in advance. The police badigned the protesters a location further from the house. Hambacher Forst was in Jülich. The protesters refused and went to court, where they were subjected.

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