Police kill rioters on Rheydter Straße


Family conflict in Mönchengladbach :
Police shoot rioters

  Mönchengladbach: Police shoot rioters on Rheydter Straße

5 pictures
Police officer fires on Mönchengladbach riots

Photo: Sascha Rixkens

Mönchengladbach On Wednesday police opened fire on a man on Rheydter Straße in Mönchengladbach. He should have gone wild before. The man was seriously injured.

The police were called Wednesday night to family disputes in a house on Rheydter Street in Mönchengladbach-Dahl. During the operation went according to the police a 25-year-old with a nail equipped with wooden staff on the officials. After several requests to set up the crossbar and several warning shots, the man was shot down by the use of pepper spray and badistance dogs.

He was seriously injured by gunshots in the stomach and thigh. However, as usual, when the police give people shots and injure them, the case is examined by another authority for reasons of objectivity. Therefore, the police of Aachen took charge of the investigation.

Editor's note: In a first version of this text, there was the speech of a police officer who had shot at the man. According to a joint statement from the prosecution and the police, it is not yet clear whether one or more policemen were involved in the shooting. The circumstances are determined. We have corrected the text accordingly.

(SIEV / dpa)

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