Politkovskaya inquiry: the Court of Human Rights condemns Moscow | tagesschau.de


Following the badbadination of journalist Politkovskaya, critic of the Kremlin, several men from Chechnya were sentenced in 2014. But for the Human Rights Court of Strasbourg, Russia does not have the right to do so. has not sufficiently clarified the crime.

According to a decision of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), Russia did not investigate in 2006 the murder of journalist critic Anna Politkovskaya in 2006. A state has the duty to follow all the instructions in a murder, said the ECtHR in the now-announced judgment.

The plaintiffs – mother, sister and two children of the investigative journalist – were sentenced to a total compensation of 20,000 euros (AZ 15086/07). The verdict is not yet final.

The award-winning journalist of the governmental newspaper "Novaya Gazeta" has made many enemies with reports of serious crimes against human rights in the former war zone of Chechnya. On October 7, 2006, she was shot in the staircase of her Moscow home

Traces of Domestic Intelligence

In 2014, a Moscow court sentenced five men to long prison terms for murder, of which two in perpetuity. In another case, a senior official of the Moscow Ministry of the Interior was sentenced to eleven years in prison. The sponsors of the murder remained in the dark.

Relatives reported traces to the Russian secret service FSB. These were not followed by the authorities. Russia has not sufficiently explained the case, ruled the Strasbourg Court. The authorities also failed to investigate the links between Politkovskaya's journalistic work and the murder.

Pussy Riot Activist Punishment

In another ruling of the Court of Human Rights, several members of the female punk band Pussy Riot were awarded awards.

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