Portal "Neutral School Brandenburg": The AfD Brandenburg wants to know everything – Berlin


The controversial portal of complaints of the AfD for unpopular teachers is now also in Brandenburg on the net. On Tuesday, the AFD parliamentary group issued a home page where alleged violations of schools and teachers could be reported in the mask of neutrality in a submission mask ("report of the day"). offense"). And with the badurance that "your information will be treated confidentially". It is said that the portal "works in preparation for parliamentary initiatives and for the purpose of controlling the government of the state". It is striking that the AfD has widened the spectrum of violations. "These are alleged violations of the principle of neutrality, but also the identification of all problems related to school life (for example, aggression and jamming, extremism, advertising material, school materials, lectures, etc.). Education, school meals, etc.), "he said. Perhaps it is due to the judicial revisions announced by the Speaker of Parliament, Britta Stark, and the Minister of Education, Britta Ernst (both SPD).

The Minister provides badistance to

The late start of the portal is always accompanied by criticism. The Minister of Education, Ernst, said in a letter to the teachers of the help they should be discredited by the notification portal. "If you are facing ads on the portal, you will receive all the help of my house!" He will not be allowed to be discredited. At the same time, Ernst encourages teachers to continue to engage in all forms of xenophobia and political extremism in the clbadroom and in school life. "Teach the students democratic principles and morals and help them to form their own opinions!"

Gordon Hoffmann, spokesman for the CDU in charge of education, said: "Almost 30 years after the fall of the wall, we look forward to overcoming the stage of the denunciation." The role of school inspection is not in the hands of political parties "Teachers must demonstrate political neutrality, but students must also encourage independent thinking." He is convinced that the teachers of Brandenburg adhere to it. "The AfD does not claim that students find it well." Stressed Hoffmann, "but it suffices to contend with the fact that it represents, with its extreme attitude, only a minority of the population. "It is not a matter of" sowing mistrust, or of pilloring anyone, "said Steffen Königer, spokesperson for the AfD faction on anti-corruption policies. 39, education, responsible for the portal. The AfD wants to "send a clear signal to the students of Brandenburg: Dare to think, dare to give your opinion and if you want to ban that, we are at your side."

15 entries after one hour

For the leader of the Green Party Ursula Nonnemacher, the portal is designed for the opposite. "With the online pillory, the AfD is once again showing its true face," she said. "She does not talk about political solutions, she wants to sow discord in our democracy and incite students and teachers against each other." Kathrin Dannenberg, political leader of education on the left, accused the AFD of wanting to undermine human rights and state control mechanisms, as well as "behind the backs of accused teachers, with no opportunity for hearing – and in front of the responsible The path of complaint. "Dannenberg referred to the national Gegenpetition online:" My fetzen teacher ".
And what was the answer to the AfD portal in Brandenburg? After an hour, there were 15 entries – "as expected, especially by the jokers," King said. It only takes serious information into account after an initial period of two or three weeks. Only then are the lessons again.

The Berlin portal is also online

In Berlin, the portal has been online since Monday – accompanied by mbadive and creative protests. The start was successful at first, but the registration form did not work for hours in the late evening and for hours. Andraes Heinzgen, spokesperson for the Berlin parliament, spoke of the "departure difficulties".

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