Press review: 'Allgemeine Zeitung & # 39; at Opel | message


MAINZ (dpa-AFX) – The "Allgemeine Zeitung" (Monday) writes to Opel:

"After the turmoil of the redevelopment plan, it was first thought that the Rsselsheimer could finally bring back his cars in the center But with the discussions on a possible partial sale of the development center, PSA Opel's own mother thwarted the bill.If now still handling illegal escape on top, the image and the brand would be a super-Gau The manufacturer was already launching a technology initiative for more credibility and efficiency by the end of 2015. That's fine, but it does not help not in the current situation. "To minimize the damage, the manufacturer must face the new suspicion as soon as possible honest." / yyzz / DP / men

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