Press review: "Horst Seehofer master plan is a foreclosure document"


" That could have been a success."

"Rheinische Post" : "The so-called master plan of Seehofer contains many important points for migration policy, it could have become a success Contrary to the public impression, the document certainly includes a European approach, but all positive aspects have completely disappeared in the debate over the rejection of refugees already registered in Europe.It was a mistake that Seehofer left the plan unpublished in public By arguing from a single point that brought the country on the verge of a crisis, the Minister of the Interior should not be surprised that the criticism of his person is on, and those who write his working paper must know that On the master of the disaster rhyme It would be important for the "master plan" to be seen again, if it is: a work plan The Minister of the Interior remains under pressure: he is responsible for the implementation of his plan in 63 p Anointed ones.At least parts that he will have to deliver quickly. Promote the search for a veil, help countries to repatriate refugees and ensure that the work of the Federal Office of Migration is without scandal. "

" The German mood has changed "

" Neue Westfälische " These days are very popular.Today, after a grotesque lapping of a week, the Federal Minister Interior Horst Seehofer presents a "blueprint" that sees the culprits of a German administrative crisis in the weakest group: the refugees.The mood in Germany has reversed. It is similar to East Europe's vision of theft and migration. "Seehofer is now reacting with a staggered defense to refugees, with foreclosure following an asylum dispute, which reveals much on the image of the people of the powerful in the CSU ruling party Seehofer calls for tightening of the administration and procedural issues. "

" A bill focused on the defense of refugees "[19659004] "Schwäbische Zeitung" : "What more can you ask for?" Federal Minister of the Int laughing presents its flight plan and the fight against theft and think outside the box of his department. He makes many good suggestions. Until now, benevolent contemplation. The most realistic, however, is that it is a model that focuses on defense against refugees and not on the responsibility of a rich country to help as much as possible. The 63 points contain announcements that the Seehofer Ministry can hardly implement. Because not only does it have a coalition partner, but the republic also has many neighboring countries – and each refugee has a country of origin. The Horst Seehofer tour in the world of global players serves primarily one: Horst Seehofer and his self-confidence. Germany would have been better off if the Home Minister had accepted his plans with the coalition partner and the Chancellor. The master plan of Horst Seehofer is a foreclosure document "

" Westfalenpost ":" Aylan Kurdi was only three years old. He died on 2 September 2015 off the Turkish coast. The photo, showing the Syrian refugee drowned dead on the beach of Bodrum, shook the world. He was lying in the sand, as he slept. In the West, the image has sparked a wave of sympathy. Where is our compbadion? Horst Seehofer's master plan is a foreclosure document. The CSU politician wants to stop illegal immigration, knowing that an asylum seeker from Syria currently has no realistic chance of coming legally to our country. His plan cries out at each line: "We do not want you!"

The Home Secretary's strategy focuses on the use of resources for border security "(ie camp) should allow. "Seehofer is right: immigration needs an order." Similarly, society needs a set of common values, the foundation of humanity. at stake as more and more citizens fear that the number of refugees exceeds the system because integration is difficult because an undetermined number of migrants are not interested in it and that it is difficult. There are also criminal migrants, but most of the refugees are leaving their country because they are looking for a better life.This must not be blamed on them.In Thailand, divers rescued yesterday the last four children and their trainer. The world has breathed, the boys could be sure of our compbadion. out, they did not want to go to Germany. Is it cynical? May be. Western politics is too. Cold hearts take power. "

" Once again, Seehofer confused where he wanted to clarify "

" Leipziger Volkszeitung ":" Once again, Seehofer is confused wanted. His document is dated July 4 – a time after the agreement in the Union asylum dispute, but before the substantive deviation compromise with the SPD coalition partner. Is his plan governmental or not? This is not a "blueprint" of the coalition, but a "blueprint" of the federal interior minister, he says. But what should the audience do with it? Seehofer speaks, as resided in Old Moabit, where his ministry has its seat, a parallel government. "

" It takes a really factual debate "

" Saxon Journal ":" The Seehofer plan can help the Capable to improve. Of course, not all points will be implemented in its direction, others as an immigration law is still missing, some will prove unnecessary or achievable. But: To know it, it is necessary – after the irritations of the last two weeks – a really objective debate, a weighing of arguments, if necessary, of the contentious decisions. There was enough pure ideology: not all residency obligations become like a prison or worse. And the family policy does not stop at the pbadport. In any case, the status quo, which is mainly determined by criminal smugglers and strong men, that is to say young, can not be seriously concerned. "

" Is it justifiable to deport people to a country of war? "Press" : "The CSU puts everyone in the same pot: war refugees, asylum seekers and poor migrants, barbarians and criminals." Is it justifiable to deport people? in a war zone – and is it really in the interest of Germany that, for example, an apprentice baker was deported to Afghanistan, which would be needed here in the labor market? and expel as much as possible at all costs? If you think it's just: Congratulations, you're in the majority.I think it's wrong. "

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