Prince William: George and Charlotte have this nice nickname for him


Most people refer to Prince William as "Your Royal Highness", but Prince George and Princess Charlotte have their own names for their father.

All children have a special nickname for their parents. Some say "daddy or" mom "," daddy "or" mom "or even speak to him in modern variants with his first name.This is no different with the royal parents.

As learned Little Prince George (7 years old) and his sister Charlotte (5 years old), learned the American magazine "People ", a football fan this Wednesday, November 28 in Leicester, where Duchess Kate and her husband Prince William (36), former owner of the football club, Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha († 61 years) of Premier League club Leicester City, have honored posthumously. Duchess Kate also spoke to volunteers who organized floral arrangements and other tributes to the memorial.

What sweet father-son photo makes Herzogin Kate's heart beat, we show it to you in the video above

At the bottom of the video, Kate's touching performance: William knew the owner of the club well, but also his wife's date in Leicester, where the royal couple laid flowers, obviously close.

"Kate said that William was playing football with the kids the night before and I think it's George who said," Are you playing football tomorrow? "Remember Fiona Sturgess, who has a year-long subscription to the games of the Leicester City football club.In fact, Princess Charlotte also calls her father with love" Pops ", which means" Paps "in German and that sounds just as nice.

But the kids do not just have a nickname for Prince William. As Kate revealed in the documentary about Queen Elizabeth (92) on the occasion of her 90th birthday in 2016, George also carries the nickname of her great-grandmother. "George is only two and a half years old and calls him" Gan-Gan "," said Kate, "when we visit her, she always leaves small gifts in the room of the family." children, which shows how much she loves the family. "

"Gan-Gan" and "Pops" – that's where the royal heart goes.

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