Pro of the Hollywood regime: Christian Bale back on the road



How does Christian Bale's wife think of the constant transformation of her husband's body?

How does Christian Bale's wife think of the constant transformation of her husband's body?(Photo: imago / MediaPunch)

Thursday, November 29, 2018

This is certainly not healthy, but impressive. After Christian Bale has risen to 20 pounds for his latest role, the actor is showing himself again for a first in Los Angeles as thin as it has been before. How does the man do that?

The movie "Vice" on the life of US Vice President Dick Cheney has not even been seen in our cinemas because Christian Bale has again fallen for the role of lean book.

So, emaciated saw Christian Bale as

Christian Bale looked so emaciated as "the machinist".(Photo: imago / Prod.DB)

Well, exercise to increase and decrease, the 44-year-old has enough. For "American Psycho", he put on clean muscles, for his role of "machinist", however, he took 30 kilograms. He did it at the time mainly in the form of muscle mbad for "Batman". In "Rescue Dawn", Bale played the role of a skinny prisoner of war, in "The Fighter", a former nervous boxer, after a flawless weight loss. In "American Hustle" he played the role of a rogue Irving Rosenfeld, however, a pretty fast food bulletin board in front of him.

20 kg less

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For the role of Dick Cheney, Bale again took 20 kilograms to authentically embody the man who would have pulled the strings during George W. Bush's term from 2001 to 2009 in the background. His diet would have been a lot of cakes, salty steaks with a sauce and whiskey before the shoot started. Only a few months after the shooting, there is no sign of being overweight.

At the premiere of Netflix's production "Mogli: The Legend of the Jungle" in Los Angeles, Bale crossed the red carpet with his four-year-old wife Sibi Blazic, and has not changed since the film "Vice". If it does not work so well with acting, Bale can probably still write a dietetic advisor. But if you are so pure, you will probably still find a job in Hollywood.

Incidentally, "Vice" will be released in cinemas on December 25 in Germany.


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