Process for a new book: Thilo Sarrazin wants to move forward – Munich


Munich – Even before the publication, the new book by Thilo Sarrazin (73) caused a sensation. He sued the reputable publishing house Random House – and explained in Monday's process why.

Originally, the work of the critical author of Islam should appear at Random House. In the meantime, it is clear: it appears in August at the FinanzBuch Verlag under the title "Hostile OPA – How Islam Hinders Progress and Threatens Society."

The context of this editor change is now going to court. For appointment to the district court yesterday, Sarrazin came personally.

► Question 1: According to the court, Sarrazin received an advance of 100,000 euros for the book. 50 000 EUR at the conclusion of the contract, 50 000 EUR upon acceptance of the manuscript. The question now is: does the author have to pay back in advance? Sarrazin points out: "In my new publishing house, I gave up in advance." [Numéro 2]: Number 2: Sarrazin wants to have compensation for the change of publisher. In total, he goes to court for more than 800,000 euros. The author says, "I'm not a Hansel process." But what does an author do? It's his good name. "

And further:" If this publisher puts an end to this collaboration under false pretenses, it is an attack on my reputation. "

The author's attorneys quantify the damages for reputational harm at least 300 000 euros. In addition, they expect at least 500 000 euros lost profits.

Attorney Andreas Köhler explains: "We badume that Random House would sell 200,000 more pounds because of the stronger market power. Each book yields about three euros of profit. The half-million is therefore conservative.

Thilo Sarrazin was particularly upset that the release date of Random House in late August was not respected: "It was important to me." He wanted to publish the book before the book fair and before the general elections in Bavaria and Hesse. exactly eight years after his first best-seller "Germany abolished".

Judge Rainer Dresen: "There is no monetary compensation, because there is no damage."

The book appears in the new editor as desired and probably attracts even more attention. Random House wanted Sarrazin to be "decent" because he was "a deserving author."

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photo: Théo Klein

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Thilo Sarrazin with his lawyers Andreas Köhler (left) and Thomas Ruhland Photo: Theo Klein

However, reservations were made by entering the book: "You begin by interpreting the Koran. from the house said: We do not know if you can interpret it that way.We wanted a scientist who clarified that.You did not wish it.That's why we manipulated the manuscript with care. "

The publication date has been fixed in the" Autumn 2018 "contract. It belongs to the "discretionary" editor to postpone this date until spring 2019.

There was no agreement in court on Monday. Sarrazin demands a public statement that the publisher has moved away from him due to a "political decision". She does not want to give it to Random House. And do not pay any damage. The publisher proposes to Sarrazin to keep 50,000 euros in advance.

Now the court wants to make a settlement proposal within two weeks. The judges suggested that Sarrazin had no right to compensation.

If the agreement fails, there will be a thorough trial in court.

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