Process in Bad Kissingen: this is the mysterious Poolschlitzer – News Inland


Bad Kissingen – Short blond hair, glbades, distinctive chin. Externally, Marcel M. (29) does not seem very impressive. But the host of the city of Munich (Bavaria) located in Lower Franconia has been harbaded for years by foreign lands and rows of ponds.

Now the Poolschlitzer has been sentenced to 12 months of probation for property damage (17 cases) and theft (9 cases)!

▶ ︎ Since 2009, Marcel M. has been at work and has caused enormous damage (more than 12,000 euros). For seven years, the police confused who was behind this mysterious fact. A witness statement led to the autumn of 2016, finally arresting the 29-year-old.

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Photo: Joerg Voelkerling

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Marcel M. was once in prison for arsonPhoto: Joerg Voelkerling

At first he had confessed to the police that his statement was now being read in court: "Yes, I am the pool cutter.Between 2009 and 2015, I have reduced from 20 to 30 pools in the Münnerstadt area. "

In the meantime, he was in prison – for arson. Marcel M. had rented hay bales as a member of a volunteer fire department in order to revel in the work of extinction.

After serving his sentence, he cut the pools again. It was about "stress reduction", he also had attention in public, he said in court. His consideration: "The police will not pick me anyway."

"I made a break and I left

Eventually, the police arrived at the Schlitzer but on a leash.

Marcel M. had contacted a woman from Bad Kissingen via Facebook and wanted to buy a swimsuit. Shortly after, he cut the pool and two women's air mattresses. Mr. also broke a traffic police officer from Schweinfurt by the pool. He had also written to his wife Facebook and asked him if he could buy him a rectangular pool …

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Photo: Bad Brückenau Police

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Pool destroyed in 2016 in SchondraPhoto: Bad Brückenau Police

▶ Mr. Marcel M. at first wanted to admit only two fagots in court. He said in the case of Bad Kissingen: "Yes, it was I. It was night, I drove around, so I'm in, made a cut and gone."

The family of Katharina Frost (29) was also a victim of the split. The mother remembers how her son Leonard started crying when he saw the pool crumbling. Father Eugen, aged 30, wanted to prosecute the perpetrator of the offense, ran into the street, but could not find anyone: "I had to explain to my children first that pervert man was there. "

Penalty for confession

The defender of Marcel M. presented the records of the mother's calendar as proof of relief. It should be noted exactly what time his son was at home.

Incredible: Despite the ongoing investigation, Marcel M. was back in the summer of 2018 in the gardens, destroyed islands and bathing items destroyed. Once, a video camera caught him.

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Photo: Joerg Voelkerling

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Family Frost with sons Leonard and Luis were also victims of Poolschlitzers. Father Eugen (33 years old) finds the verdict too lenient: "A few months in prison for reflection would have done him good.It continued despite allegations and accusations this summer.My video cameras are blocked" (photo d & 39) archive of July 2015)Photo: Joerg Voelkerling

▶ ︎ Later, the pool slicer filed a general confession in court, granting all but one action. An additional charge (he crushed an inflatable unicorn) wants to engage the prosecutor. Judge Susanne Wbaderbauer had promised her a year of probation for her confession – which he finally got.

In addition, the judge imposed a fine of 1,500 euros and ordered outpatient treatment. Wbaderbauer: "I can only hope that nothing will happen now.I find it remarkable that even if they knew the accusations, other crimes were committed this summer.There must be nothing left now. there will be no way out of prison. "

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